Meeting the newlyweds with a loaf of bread: how should parents greet the newlyweds?

The words of the marriage vow were pronounced, signatures were placed - and behold, the bride and groom became a young husband and wife. And according to an ancient and beautiful tradition, after the registry office, the newlyweds should be met by their parents. They will be the ones who will say parting words and bless the new family for a happy life. Today there are many different ways to carry out this ritual, which is based on an ancient Christian custom.

In every matter with heavenly permission

Not a single magnificent feast is complete without God's blessing. Starting such a great day as a wedding with a prayer to the Almighty is a good tradition of our people. Even today, like a century ago, holidays feature rituals and ceremonies that have their roots in ancient times. We, like our ancestors, bless the young couple for a long and happy life in love, peace and prosperity.

One of the traditions, still popular today, is to rebaptize newly-made spouses with the faces of saints. Many people know about such a ceremony, but few people know what icon to greet the newlyweds after the registry office. Not many people remember the history of this ritual.

Preparing for the newlyweds' meeting

While the guests are gathering in the hall, music is playing. Everyone is preparing for the meeting of the bride and groom. The host works with the guests in advance. It is necessary to rehearse the parents' exit with bread and salt and the meeting of the newlyweds.

How to do it better? If the venue where the wedding is taking place has free entry, then it is best to meet the bride and groom outside. The guests present are divided into two parts and stand, forming a “living” corridor. Each guest holds a gel ball on a long satin ribbon. The parents of the newlyweds stand in the center with bread and salt. The last guests on both sides are given bags of confetti. Their neighbors received mini-baskets with rose petals. Bags of candy are awarded next. And guests who stand almost next to their parents are given pots of coins. The host awaits the newlyweds at the very beginning of the corridor.

According to Russian tradition. The mother of the groom (now her husband) holds a loaf of salt or a salt shaker in her hands on a beautiful towel. The father of the bride holds two glasses of champagne and two slices of green apple on a tray.

So, the most exciting moment. The bride and groom's car pulls up. Stops near guests. The newlyweds come out.

Solemn meeting of the bride and groom with a loaf of bread.


-So we meet again!

Well, advice and love to you!

The path ahead of you is the road

To a world of care and love.

And let's add a little to it

Bright colors and dreams! (the last guests begin to throw confetti up at the bride and groom). The newlyweds take a step forward.

- So that hearts do not fade away

And the house shone with love.

You are romance and passion

Fill it all around! (the next guests throw rose petals). The newlyweds move forward one more step.

- Life with bitterness, bad luck,

Not for you and far from it.

We all wish together

May life be sweet! (guests with candies throw small candies - lollipops at the feet of the newlyweds).

- Well, let everything go smoothly

Let's wish you to live in abundance! (guests throw coins at their feet).

The newlyweds approach their parents.

Presenter: Dear _____________ (name of the bride and groom). This day is significant not only for you. Today you created your family. This is another light of love that will warm everything around with its warmth. So let your parents be the first to touch its warmth. Having once created their own light, they gave you life and let their parting words be the most valuable and intimate for you.


Please note that this speech should not be too long, the newlyweds arrived after the registry office, a walk, trips and I think they were tired. There will be another whole evening for wishes and long speeches.

Presenter: Well, according to ancient tradition, the bride and groom must break off a piece of the loaf (they break it off). You have a long and happy life ahead of you, so I suggest that here and now you take salt and salt this piece of loaf. Let this be the first and most importantly the last time you spite each other (newlyweds salt their bread). Now feed each other with tenderness and care (loud applause from the guests).

The bride's father brings glasses of champagne. The young drink and eat a slice of apple. At the command of the presenter, everyone unanimously shouts “Congratulations!” and release gel balls into the sky.

Author E. Dranichnikova

Especially for the site

A custom that has passed down through the centuries

Previously, when newlyweds started their life together and left their home, their parents gave them a special gift. These were icons. Images of saints became the basis of the house.

The icons were placed in a place of honor in the red corner. Throughout his life, this part of the house was treated with special respect. The territory was decorated with flowers and embroidered towels. Sincere prayers were heard here. The icons were also supposed to protect the house and its inhabitants from all misfortunes. They gave both family faces and completely new, custom-made icons.

What icon to greet the newlyweds after the registry office, a new one or an old one, is decided by the parents. In general, paintings do not play a big role in this custom, because any face of different shapes and finishes carries equally strong, positive energy. But the very essence of the ritual is important. The symbolism of the ritual is very great. By such actions, parents give the go-ahead to create a new family and continue the family line. The custom also helps to strengthen the bond between the older and younger generations.

Where can I get icons to bless newlyweds?

Where exactly to get the icons for blessing is decided in each family. You can use those with which the groom's parents got married or the oldest icons in the house, which, for example, she got from her mother, and she got from her mother or grandmother.

In addition, you can buy new icons; fortunately, today even special sets of them are sold, intended for blessing the newlyweds during the wedding. After the ceremony, the icons are placed next to the loaf, and at the end of the wedding, the newlyweds bring them into their home as a talisman.

Instead of a house - a restaurant

Nowadays the festive lunch is held in cafes or restaurants. The guy's relatives should be standing at the entrance to the establishment. The main thing here is that the groom’s mother knows how the mother-in-law greets the newlyweds after the registry office or wedding, because a lot here depends on her. How she greets her daughter-in-law is how their future life will turn out. This is one of the few customs that has an echo in modern weddings.

At first, parents presented the gift immediately after the official part. As soon as the young people appeared on their doorstep, they were greeted with icons and bread and salt. Then the guests feasted and had fun. Traditionally, the newlyweds were welcomed by the groom's parents, since the young wife was supposed to go live in his house. And although today the wedding scheme has changed somewhat, this ritual has not lost its main essence.

Images of the Mother of God and Jesus Christ from mom and dad - this is how the newlyweds are greeted after the registry office. The guy's parents accept their daughter-in-law into their family. The native girls stand behind along with the guests, since from now on the daughter has moved to another house.

Meeting the groom at the bride's house

As a rule, this ritual is preserved at many weddings, however, there are couples who do not want to conduct a bride price. If the ceremony is carried out, then this episode of the wedding can become one of the brightest moments of the holiday. After all, the bridesmaids and friends of the groom take part in it, and this is a competition between young people in resourcefulness , sparkling humor, and an element of the groom’s “struggle” for his beloved appears. In addition, the bride's parents meet the groom with bread and salt.

This beautiful ritual of wishing happiness to the newlyweds, prosperity and success in all endeavors is an important psychological aspect for newlyweds

The bride's friends prepare various competitions and jokes for the groom and his friends to create an original meeting. After passing all the tests, the groom wins a place next to his beloved , completing the wedding ritual. While waiting for her betrothed, a girl can decorate the room with balloons, flowers, candles and rose petals. This will create a romantic atmosphere and a special aura of tenderness and love.

The bride takes a bite of a loaf

Path of happiness

It is best if the newlyweds are a little late. Then all the guests will have time to arrive on time. But a happy couple should not linger for a long time and make them wait, because this is disrespectful to friends and family.

Next, the spouses pass through a living corridor. According to our traditions, lovers must pass under embroidered towels, which will be held over their heads by their relatives. The ritual will ensure a happy life for the doves. This is one of the options for meeting young people after the registry office.

Guests can also shower them with flowers, money, and wheat. All these are original symbols. Petals mean a beautiful and lush life, coins attract finances to a new family, and cereals are responsible for abundance and children, which should soon appear. There are also regions where newlyweds are showered with hops to make them happy, nuts to make their marriage strong, and sweets to make their fate sweet.

Usually the toastmaster should be responsible for this moment. After all, his task is to explain to the public how to properly meet young people after the registry office.

Revival of an ancient tradition

The generation of atheists, which our grandparents raised unwillingly, refused to believe in any signs. It was believed that “grandmother’s superstitions” were not needed by young and ambitious people. Perhaps they were right in some ways. But life still makes its own adjustments to people’s ambitious plans: there have never been so many divorced couples in the history of Russia. Previously, marriages were strong, families were friendly, family members were healthy. In our time of innovative technologies and industrial paradise, families fall apart, children often get sick, people's psyches are spoiled by permissiveness and lack of moral standards.

Parental blessing is not empty or beautiful words; behind it lies the powerful energetic protection of many generations of relatives. This is the most powerful amulet of all that can be. In the old days, no one risked entering into marriage without parental blessing. Such marriages were considered doomed to destruction. Is this why after the revolution, when ancient traditions were abolished, marriages became fragile? At the beginning of the 21st century, the institution of marriage has undergone dramatic changes, and now no one is surprised by the cohabitation of men and women without registration with the registry office. But even after official registration, not all couples maintain their marital relationship and separate.

The Church is making every effort to revive the institution of marriage on the territory of modern Russia and is conducting educational ascetic work. Wedding ceremonies in the cathedral become the norm, and parental blessing takes on its former meaning and becomes necessary for those getting married.

Main family ritual

The parents of the children are waiting at the threshold of the establishment. In their hands are icons, because they are supposed to bless the couple for a happy life. For this ritual, you can take samples from what you have in your home. Usually these are images of the Savior and the Mother of God, but if the family honors other saints, then their images are also acceptable and will not contradict traditions.

For the ceremony, parents must stand nearby. Dad takes the image of Christ, and mom takes the image of the Virgin Mary. They often say: “May God bless.” They take turns baptizing the children three times with icons. At this time, the couple bows and kisses the images. This is how the groom's parents greet the newlyweds after the registry office. If the bride's relatives did not bless their child at home, then they can also join the ceremony.

If one of the parents died, their function should be performed by godparents or older relatives.

This tradition should accompany every Christian family, since in this way mothers and fathers give their permission to their children to live together.

Words from the groom's parents at the banquet

The father of the groom may speak first. His speech is most often short, but succinct.

Example 1. Dear children! When I got married and was preparing to become the head of my family, my father gave me valuable advice: “In difficult times, just shut up and count to 100.” If my wife and I quarreled, then in order not to say too much to her, I used my father’s advice, and it always worked. Maybe this is also why my mother and I have been living in perfect harmony for decades! I wish you to live a happy and long life, not to accumulate grievances - they destroy, to work on your relationships every day. Love each other, respect and appreciate every moment spent together! Congratulations!

* * *

Example 2. Son, today you are standing on the threshold of a new life. As the popular wisdom says, “Seek your happiness, and if you find it, take care.” You have chosen a wonderful companion, and your first duty is to make her happy. When you first picked up a hammer and hit your finger instead of a nail, you didn’t cry. To your mother’s questions you answered “it doesn’t hurt, I’m a man.” I hope you will prove with every action that you are a real man and the head of the family. Children, I wish you to live a happy and long life, without knowing sorrows and insults. We wish you well-being, prosperity and joy! Congratulations!

Moms are always more sentimental, but still try to pull yourself together.

Example 1. Dear son! Today there is great joy in our family - my dad and I have a daughter. Your meeting is a gift from heaven, but now the main thing is to preserve feelings and fire in your hearts. Family is work, but it is rewarded. Love in the eyes of your soul mate, children's laughter, tears of pride from parents. Be happy, our dear children. Plant trees, raise wonderful children, strengthen your relationships! Your happiness is more valuable to us than all gifts! May there always be prosperity and harmony in your home, and may your love illuminate your path and be your best advisor! May you live happily ever after!

* * *

Example 2. My beloved son. A wise man was once asked what riches should be valued in life. And he answered: the first thing is health, because you can’t buy it for any amount of wealth. And the second is a person who is always nearby. You, son, are very lucky, because you met a wonderful girl. Make sure that she is behind you, like behind a stone wall, so that bitterness and resentment never appear in her eyes, and the smile never leaves her lips. Daughter, support and guide your spouse, become his guiding star - and he will move mountains for you! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! I wish happiness, luck and prosperity to settle in your home for a long time. Take care of each other, and keep the flame that you lit today! Bitterly.

Mom and dad can say congratulations one by one, in the form of a dialogue. For example:

Mom: - Our dear son!

Dad: - And daughter!

Mom: - Despite the fact that today you will follow your own path in life, this does not mean that our paths have diverged. Dad and I will always be there when needed. Let us help you with advice

Dad: - And by the way. Walk hand in hand, respect and appreciate each other.

Mom: - May life smile at you and give you only pleasant surprises.

Dad: - Happiness, prosperity, good luck to your young family!

Mom: - May the union be long and strong, together you will reach those heights that cannot be conquered separately.

Dad: - Advice and love!

Mom: - We love you very much, children! Bitterly!

This day is certainly important and exciting for you, but you knew that it would come someday. Rejoice and be proud of your child, and leave worries for later.

  • Mother's words at her daughter's wedding
  • Wedding congratulations from the groom's parents
  • Mother of the groom at the wedding

A look into the future

Another ceremony that will take place before the festive dinner is the determination of who will be in charge of the family. A wedding loaf is used for this ritual. This is a richly decorated bread. Salt is often served with it so that the spouses “annoy” each other today and never again.

Previously, bread was baked by women who were successfully married. While kneading the dough, they said prayers. Housewives often sang folk songs. Everything was done cheerfully and with soul. Not a single wedding is complete without this bread. Older people will tell you how to meet young people after the registry office with a loaf of bread and what to say. Usually lovers break off a piece of bread. Whose part is larger will become the leader in the family.

An obligatory element of the ritual is an embroidered towel on which the holy bread lies. They fold it so that the white cloth is under the sole of the loaf, and the patterns hang down on the sides. Previously, girls wove and embroidered towels even before marriage. The brighter and more magnificent the pattern, the better life will be. Now the amulet can be ordered or bought.

What to say?

  • It is better if parents adhere to a specific plan. A well-thought-out script will prevent awkward moments.
  • Despite the fact that the congratulations should be short, you should not skimp on words. The bride will be pleased to hear gentle, kind words of approval and support.

For newlyweds, the wedding day is a very important one; they experience a lot of emotions. The task of parents is to help, support and be there. Correctly chosen words evoke pleasant and tender feelings; they remain in memory for many years.

Meeting the newlyweds with a loaf of toast, the words of the toastmaster in verse at the wedding.

The meeting of the bride and groom after registration with a loaf and salt is an ancient wedding ritual that came to us from our ancestors and has been preserved almost in its original form.

A Slavic wedding was never complete without a meeting with a loaf of newlyweds who arrived from the church after the wedding. The newlyweds were greeted on the threshold of the groom's parents' house by the father and mother of the young spouse. The groom's father held an icon, which was used to bless the newlyweds for a happy life together, and the mother held a loaf of bread and a salt shaker. The young people bowed to their parents, accepted their blessing and kissed their father and mother three times in turn. Since the newlyweds most often went to live with their husband’s parents, the meeting with bread and salt was conducted by the owners of the house. Nowadays, young people do not always go to live with their husband’s parents. In this regard, at some weddings, the loaf is held not only by the mother of the groom, but also by the mother of the bride.

The ruddy loaf is not held with bare hands, but always on a beautifully embroidered new towel. A depression is made in the middle of the loaf, and a salt shaker with salt is placed. According to tradition, the young must break off or bite off a piece of the loaf. Whoever breaks off or bites off a larger piece will dominate the family. The broken pieces are dipped in salt. The groom gives his broken piece of salt to the bride to try with his hand, and the bride gives it to the groom. This symbolizes the joint overcoming of troubles and sorrows that arise in a young family. After exchanging salty pieces, the couple takes a sip of champagne or wine from a glass, which can then be broken for good luck.

Speech on a loaf at a wedding.

Mom, holding a loaf of bread, gives a parting speech to the young couple. There is no point in saying too long a parting word, since the guests and newlyweds have been on their feet for a long time and everyone is eager to sit down at the banquet tables. You can prepare words in poetic form in advance, or you can say them yourself. If you think through or learn the words before the wedding, you will feel more confident and the ceremony will go smoothly.

The meaning of a speech on a loaf at a wedding is to wish a happy family life, strong relationships and a cloudless life path that the young people now have to go through hand in hand.

We offer you several options for speeches for a loaf at a wedding.

“Our dears, happiness and strong love to you for many years to come! Let the years pass, but your hearts will remain reverent towards each other. Let the doors of your home always be open for guests and family, let your table be bursting with dishes, and let your house be filled with the happy laughter of your children! May you live happily ever after!" “We welcome you with bread, salt and parental love, so that you will always be together for many years!”

If both mothers are holding the loaf, you can say the following poetic speech:

Mother of the bride: “We want to treat you to some difficult bread and bless you with parting words.” Mother of the groom: “We hand over the shrine to our daughter and son so that you can break off a piece for yourself.” Take a bite, son. Mother of the bride: “You try too, daughter.” Let this loaf be the key to health! The key to happy and joyful years! Mother of the groom: - You will now be your beloved daughter-in-law, (name of the bride). Many victories await you, (name of the groom)! Mother of the bride: - Appreciate each other, and honor us. Raise your kids without any hassle. Mother of the groom: “And may this piece of holy loaf bless you and lead you to happiness!”

At the end of the parting speech and all actions with the loaf, the young people are blessed with an icon. After the blessing, the newlyweds and after them all the guests go to the hall where the wedding banquet will take place. The loaf must be broken into pieces and distributed to all guests present.

The words of the meeting of the newlyweds with a loaf at the wedding and the origins of this ancient tradition.

A wedding is a magnificent celebration, rich in a variety of customs and beliefs. One of the favorite ancient wedding rituals that has survived to this day is the meeting of the newlyweds with a loaf of bread. What words need to be spoken at this moment? How to organize it? And what is the essence of the ritual? Let's look at it below.

Wedding genius - toastmaster

Before biting or breaking bread, you should cross it. Children must kiss the loaf. Very often traditions diverge. Even neighboring cities and villages have rituals unique to them. In order to avoid unpredictable events and problems at the wedding, the action plan should be discussed in detail.

Parents should talk in advance about how to welcome newlyweds after the registry office. This can be done at an engagement party or just before a special day. Each party should first describe how they see the ceremony, and then discuss the differences and write one plan for the ceremony. But here the older generation should also take into account the opinion of children, because first of all it is their day.

If none of the families has any idea what needs to be done, then the script can be entrusted to the toastmaster. It is recommended that you first watch videos of weddings conducted by a professional. This will make it easier to imagine the overall picture and atmosphere, add something to the plan or refuse something.

If parents are concerned about religious issues, they should first consult with the priest.

How to greet newlyweds at the entrance to a restaurant?

If the celebration is planned to be celebrated not at home, but in a restaurant or cafe, then the scenario of the ceremony of welcoming the newlyweds changes in accordance with the location of the celebration. Meeting in a cafe is not much different from meeting at home or in front of a restaurant. The threshold of the room symbolizes the threshold to a new life called “family”.

Meeting guests in the banquet hall is one of the important moments of the wedding celebration. It is impossible to gather all the invitees at exactly six o'clock in the evening - some will come earlier, some later. To prevent guests from wandering around the restaurant halls, you should organize an aperitif table for them. It usually contains bottles of light alcohol and snacks on skewers. You can also familiarize guests with the building plan:

  • show where the toilet is;
  • smoking room;
  • what to do with children;
  • where to put gifts.

Meeting young people with ribbons at the doorstep

Sweet life

Another tradition that is popular at the moment is feeding a couple in love with bread and honey. In the morning, one of the relatives must ensure that these products are brought to the establishment. There, the staff will beautifully cut everything and place it on a silver tray. When the spouses approach the festive table, mothers will feed the children this delicacy from their own hands. Next, the parents pass the delicious, sweet sandwich to other guests. Here's how to meet newlyweds after the registry office or wedding.

Don't forget about champagne. Wine glasses can be purchased. Today the choice of wedding products is very large. Their coloring can match the style of the wedding. Sometimes the dishes are tied with ribbon so that the spouses do not leave each other. Having taken three sips from the glass, the lovers pour everything that is left back. Often newlyweds drink for brotherhood. There are regions where after the ceremony the dishes are broken.

What do parents need to prepare to welcome the newlyweds?

It is important for the groom’s parents to think in advance about what rituals they will perform when meeting their son and daughter-in-law, and to prepare all the necessary attributes for this. Moreover, it is better to do this in advance, so that at the most crucial moment it does not turn out that something is missing at hand.

So, first of all, think about what words you will use to greet your children. And if you are afraid of forgetting your speech, write it on a piece of paper. To carry out the rituals you will need icons, bread and salt or a loaf, two towels - one for the bread and the other for the feet of the newlyweds, two new glasses, champagne, as well as grain, candy or rose petals, which you will sprinkle on the newlyweds when entering the restaurant .

Final ceremony

Before sitting down and feasting, parents must complete one more mission. They are obliged to say a few good words to their children. If it’s hard for you to come up with congratulations on your own, ask the toastmaster how to greet the newlyweds after the registry office. The words he advises are always successful, but often not emotional. Therefore, it is better to wish something on your own, from the heart. Remember that the speech should be short so as not to bore the guests.

Be sure to remember God and life with faith in him. No one knows children better than you. Therefore, the words you say will be accurate and touching in any case. If you wish, you can tell a beautiful legend or story from childhood. But do not forget that you may still be given the floor during the feast.

After the ceremony you can relax. A festive dinner, dancing and fun awaits you.

Congratulations to the mother of the groom in prose

  • Dear children! We sincerely congratulate you on your first day of legal marriage and the creation of a young family! We are glad to bless you for a long and cloudless life together in love, prosperity and prosperity. Please accept our most heartfelt congratulatory words on this solemn day. We wish you to preserve and carry through the years that feeling of love and respect that today united you into one family. Advice and love to you!
  • Dear children! We are sincerely glad that one day each of you found your soul mate, who today united into one whole. Appreciate each other, trust, let the home you create be full of prosperity, and let grief and resentment bypass it. Our dear children! We are sincerely glad for your informed decision! Accept your mother's blessing on your marriage and wishes for endless years of love, understanding and respect. Grief divided in half no longer seems so terrible, and joy multiplied by two will seem like an ocean of happiness. Don't forget these signs and everything will work out for you. Congratulations!
  • My dear and dear children, I sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of your family and the first day together in your life. At the happy start of your life, I present you with a symbol of prosperity and prosperity - a wedding loaf. Break off a piece of it and dip it in salt and feed it to each other. Let this be the last salt with which you will spoil your soulmate in the future, and let the warmth that is invested in this wedding bread remain in your hearts for many years. Let the doors in your home always be open for guests and friends, and the distribution of a loaf of bread will become a symbol of your hospitality. Love and happiness to you!
  • Our dear ones, today is your important and solemn wedding day. Please accept our most sincere congratulations. We had a son, thanks to whom we now have a daughter, and we are doubly happy for our children. May you have many years of life in harmony and love. May you live happily ever after!

What you need to know about blessing: useful tips

You cannot hold icons with your bare hands. They say it's a bad omen

Therefore, it is very important not to forget to purchase towels. The newlyweds will then be able to cover the icons with them and put them in their special place in the house. In addition, the towel is also useful for loaf

In addition, a towel is also useful for a loaf.

According to an ancient custom, parents must first cross the bride and groom with the icon three times before the registry office, then the children kiss the icon. The same ritual is repeated in the banquet hall. Today this custom is very rarely followed.

However, if this is important for future spouses, then it is better to follow all the rules

If it was decided that in the banquet hall the icon will be in the hands of one of the fathers, then it is better to explain to him in advance all the subtleties of the upcoming ritual. The fact is that men do not always pay special attention to this and can get confused at the most inopportune moment. When newlyweds receive parting words of blessing from their parents before and after the registry office, they must kneel

When newlyweds receive parting words of blessing from their parents before and after the registry office, they must kneel.

Sometimes it happens that one of the newlyweds has an incomplete family. Maybe there is no mother or father. In this case, the godparents must bless.

The ceremony of blessing the newlyweds is very difficult, but interesting. Some married couples skip it, but in vain. Parents are the most important people in any person's life. They gave life, raised and were always there - both in sorrow and in joy. There is nothing stronger than their sincere blessing. It is believed that young families who decided to follow the traditions and received these holy parting words lived in a happy marriage.

You should purchase several towels for the image and loaf. Each icon is held with a separate towel

Each loaf, and there may be several of them, should have its own holiday towel

Before kissing the icon, the mother or father baptizes the young people with it three times, while making the sign from top to bottom, note, from left to right, so that the young people receive the Orthodox sign of the cross, from right to left. The entire church wedding ceremony must be previously discussed with the clergyman, so that everyone present at the wedding and holding the icon knows what and how to do

Attention! In the old days, without parental permission and blessing, a priest did not have the right to perform a wedding ceremony. Disobedient children who entered into an unmarried marriage without parental blessing were deprived of inheritance and acceptance in society. What icons are used to bless the young?

What icons are used to bless the young?

To avoid misunderstandings during the wedding ceremony, you need to know some nuances:

  • Purchase several embroidered towels in advance - under each icon, under all the loaves, under the knees of the newlyweds.
  • Before the young people kiss the icon, they must be baptized with it three times. The sign of the cross is made from left to right to form a true Orthodox cross.
  • On the eve of the wedding, consult with the priest on how to properly hold the icons. It also wouldn’t hurt to find out other nuances of the ceremony.

Remember that parental blessing is a central action in the wedding ceremony. This is not just a blessing, it is the transfer of family traditions to young spouses. Without a blessing, there may not be happiness in family life.

Beautiful toasts for a wedding

Wedding toasts are special: they, like spells, predict the best blessings for the newlyweds in their life together, admonishing them for family harmony and happiness with each other. What's the most important thing about toast? This is conciseness, simplicity of presentation of thoughts, brevity and deep meaning. Each toast presented on our website has all these qualities. Therefore, choosing any of them, you cannot go wrong. Here you will find beautiful toasts for a wedding that the newlyweds will like, which will be original and unique. The wedding toasts that we offer you are a great variety and extraordinary beauty of the word.

Original wedding toasts in your own words

Let's drink to the bride! Let her always share everything with her husband, including housework! Let's drink to the groom - a man whose head always rests firmly on his shoulders, even when he has hopelessly lost his heart. Let's drink to husband and wife! May they always be as close to each other as they are today!

Dear newlyweds, may you always have something to keep yourself busy. May you always have money to do what you want. May every joy be followed by even greater joy. And if it sometimes rains in your life together, then let it always be followed by a rainbow.

Dear (names of the newlyweds), may your life together be long and bright, like a summer day. Let there be as few sorrows in her as there are clouds in the summer sky. May your friends always surround you, warming you with their warmth, like the summer sun. And may your path through life be as easy and enjoyable as a walk in a summer park!

They say that spouses are one soul in two bodies. I wish you never to be separated and even when you are not around, to feel your soulmate with all my heart!

For each person, happiness includes a different set of values. I wish you that your sets never contradict each other, but only complement each other. And then your happiness will increase every day!

Today you are the happiest people on earth - you have found what others have been looking for for a long time and sometimes unsuccessfully for years. I want to wish you to maintain this happiness forever. And may the saddest day in your future be no worse than the happiest day in your past!

Dear newlyweds, I want to wish you great family happiness and reveal the main secret of preserving it: never forget what is worth remembering. And never remember what is worth forgetting.

Wise people say that a successful marriage is 80% luck. Lucky to find someone who is perfect for you. The bride and groom are fine with this. And the remaining 20% ​​is trust. Dear newlyweds, trust each other always and in everything - and all the couples in the world will envy your cloudless happiness!

In order for a marriage to be happy, you need to be able to fall in love many times, but with the same person. I wish you to acquire this skill and keep it for life. Then you will always be interesting and desirable to each other, just like the day you met!

Bride and groom, I wish you peace in your family. As you know, the main peacemakers from time immemorial are women. Therefore, a newly-made husband should never stop his wife from making peace: when you are wrong, just admit it, and when you are right, remain silent.

Beautiful short toasts for a wedding in verse

We wish you not to know troubles, not to know either grief or bad weather, and that you have enough health, vigor and happiness for 100 years. Bitterly!

To the sound of a crystal glass, To the sound of champagne wine, We congratulate the newlyweds! We wish them complete happiness!

Let every day spent nearby shine with turquoise for you! Then there is no need for gold, and the stone seems like a star!

May the dawn never go out. Happy life! May it always be sweet for you and like today – “bitter”! Bitterly! Let's drink to the young people!

We will empty the glass of intoxication so that in five decades we can celebrate your golden wedding together and live the whole century without grief, tears and troubles.

We, young spouses, wish you happiness and goodness. Create a family like a stronghold, so that it is indestructible.

When entering the ranks of wife and husband, you must remember for many years, That you must live in such friendship, In which there are no dark spots.

And finally, we wish you a joyful wedding, We raise our glasses to a sea of ​​happiness and goodness.

Remember this moment forever, May it be sacred. Now you are not just a bride and groom, from now on you are a husband and wife. And may any adversity pass you by, May the flame not go out in the blood. We wish you good health. We wish you happiness. We wish you strong love!

I wish the young people love, great joy beyond measure! Appreciate the moments from the heart, Live together with hope and with faith! And let's drink to the bottom, To these glorious words!

How should the bride's young parents be blessed?

The first blessing, held before going to the registry office or church, is held at the bride's home, after the groom has passed all the tests. It can be carried out in different ways.

  • If you follow all the rules and traditions, then only the bride and groom, parents and godparents are present at the blessing.
  • Modern rules are not so “strict”, so everyone participating in the ransom and guests are invited to the blessing ceremony.

The blessing itself goes as follows. The girl’s father gives the mother an icon of the Mother of God, the mother takes it with a towel and gives a parting speech to her daughter and son-in-law, after which the father speaks. At the end of the speech, the girl’s mother baptizes her daughter with the icon three times, then her son-in-law three times. In conclusion, the two young people are baptized with the icon three times, thereby the mother-in-law recognizes that they are a couple. Next, he gives the icon a kiss, first to his daughter, then to his son-in-law. Young people must cross themselves before leaning against the image.

Where and when is it customary to shower

“What” you already know, all you have to do is figure out “where” and “when” - and you can safely consider yourself an expert in yet another wedding tradition. We must admit that our ancestors did not skimp on showering and did this several times:

At the bride's house, after the ransom, this is a traditional showering. Secretly, street kids are really looking forward to this ritual in order to collect more candy and money. Think about whether you want to give this up. And if you still don’t mind pleasing your little neighbors, exchange more small coins and don’t skimp on candy. And don’t worry - this shedding is done at the waist.

The first to shower the newlyweds is the mother of the bride - so that her daughter lives in a prosperous and happy family, the second is the mother of the groom - so that her son gets an obedient and caring wife. This is if we return to tradition, just in case.

  • After leaving the registry office or church. Be sure to find out where this is allowed so you don't get fined for littering on the premises.
  • Before entering the banquet - such a place for showering is chosen if not all the guests you invited were present before. And then, it’s very beautiful to walk through the “corridor” of smiling, friendly friends, relatives and loved ones, showering you with words of wishes.
  • During the wedding dance, guests stand in a circle on the dance floor and throw petals, confetti, and sparkles at the happy dancing couple. This dance will look stunning in photos and videos!
  • At the end of the holiday, before the newlyweds leave, this is how family and friends see off the newlyweds.

Who holds the loaf and how?

The newlyweds walked along the soft petals, crunching scattered rice, and approached the doors of the restaurant. Excited parents are standing on the threshold with an icon and a wedding loaf. The loaf should be held by the groom's mother (mother-in-law) as a sign that she accepts the bride into the family and calls her his daughter (in the past, young spouses lived with their parents). Unfortunately, very few people observe all the nuances of this ritual, and sometimes the loaf is held by the bride’s mother, and sometimes by one of the fathers.

This is not given much importance because more and more often a young couple does not go to live with their parents, but immediately moves into separate housing and does not consider it necessary to adhere to all the canons of this ritual. Therefore, it is believed that an addition occurs in both families at once and all parents can take part in the ceremony. Then both mothers can hold the wedding loaf on the towel, thereby personifying the unity of families.

Blessing of daughter (son) before wedding

The blessing of the daughter is carried out with the help of the face of the Kazan Mother of God. Father must give icons to mother

Moreover, it is very important that the mother holds towels, because it is not customary to take holy images with bare hands. Father holds a loaf of bread during the ceremony

Parents take turns saying their wishes without interrupting each other. The parting words should be succinct, concise and simple. After pronouncing the speech, the daughter must be crossed three times and the image brought to her. She must also cross the image and kiss it. If the young woman does not have parents, then the ceremony can be performed by godparents.

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The blessing of a son before the wedding is carried out similarly to the ceremony with a daughter, only for this purpose the icon “Savior Temperance” is used.

Which parent holds the images of the saints and the loaf during the ceremony?

As a rule, when children decide to marry, parents are always unexpected. When planning a celebration and assigning “roles” for the blessing ceremony, it is always difficult. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. There are several options:

  • The groom's father holds the icon, the young mother holds the loaf.
  • Mothers of young people hold icons, and fathers hold champagne and a loaf of bread,
  • One of the mothers holds images of saints, the other a loaf, and the fathers simply stand on the sides.

All diagrams should be viewed from left to right. You can use a special prayer during the ceremony. It is pronounced before the wishes of the parents themselves. If it is better not to memorize the wish, so as not to forget during excitement, then you should try to learn the prayer.

Wedding blessing prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, hear me, Thy sinful and unworthy servant. Lord, in the mercy of Your power my children (names), have mercy and save them for Your name’s sake. Lord, forgive them all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, that they committed before You. Lord, guide them on the true path of Your commandments and enlighten them and enlighten them with Your light of Christ, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body. Lord, bless them in the house, around the house, at school, in the field, at work and on the road, and in every place of Your possession. Lord, protect them under the shelter of Your Saints from a flying bullet, arrow, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from a deadly plague (atomic rays) and from vain death. Lord, protect them from visible and invisible enemies, from all troubles, evils and misfortunes. Lord, heal them from all diseases, cleanse them from all filth (wine, tobacco, drugs) and ease their mental suffering and sorrow. Lord, grant them the grace of Your Holy Spirit for many years of life, health and chastity. Lord, increase and strengthen their mental abilities and physical strength. Lord, give them Your blessing for a godly family life and godly childbearing. Lord, grant also to me, Thy unworthy and sinful servant, a parental blessing on my child at this time of morning, day, evening and night for the sake of Thy name, for Thy Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent. Amen.

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