Words of blessing from the mother of the bride, how to prepare and what to say? +Video

Mom is the most important person in the life of every bride.
The girl she remembers as a very small girl is on the threshold of a new life. Therefore, the most important and most sincere on this day are congratulations and words of blessing from the mother of the bride. The origin story of the blessing. A blessing is a kind of permission to do something. Even in Rus', any significant event began with the words of blessing from the parents. A blessing is a “good word”, an approval of an action.

The ritual was performed with the icon.

General information

In many religions there is a wedding blessing, but it appeared in Orthodoxy. The bride and groom asked their parents for permission to become a family. Sometimes they did not receive it and married secretly. But this was considered a sin and was highly condemned. Even a priest could refuse a wedding if the couple did not have a blessing from their parents. Of course, in the modern world, young people make such decisions themselves, but many still listen to their parents’ words and receive the blessings of the bride’s parents and the groom’s parents.

Important tips for preparing a blessing from the mother of the bride:

  • The entire main speech will be addressed to the daughter, but the groom must also be mentioned, because they are becoming a couple.
  • You need to say not only congratulations, but also words of encouragement.
  • It is better to try to avoid overly sentimental words, because tears will lead to running makeup, which is unacceptable for the bride.
  • If you feel unsure, try rehearsing in front of a mirror. You can do the same thing with a joint congratulation with the bride’s father.
  • While saying the words of blessing, they can be shared with the groom's mother if everyone is on good terms. The same applies to the ritual of removing the veil at the end of the evening.
  • Parents are given the floor at least twice, this is the meeting of the newlyweds with a loaf of bread and the banquet itself. In addition to the loaf of bread, many people meet the newlyweds with an icon before the registry office or in a restaurant they give a blessing with an icon after the registry office.

  • Avoid blessing verses. They can easily be forgotten and confused, let all the blessing be in prose. Poems are best saved for toast. Be calm and confident. No papers, just words from yourself. Even if you forget something, you can improvise, because these are words to your beloved daughter.
  • Excitement will always be present, but try not to show it. Avoid awkward situations and words, especially those that put the bride in an awkward position in front of the guests.

On a note. Words of blessing from the bride's mother are very important and the most personal words can be said when left alone with your daughter.

Parting words to the groom before the ransom from his father and mother

The parents of the groom, as well as the bride, say words of blessing and parting words several times . The very first time this happens is when young people announce their intention to start a family - on the day of their engagement. And right before the wedding - even before the son leaves the house to go after his future wife.


Just as faith is strong and indestructible, and mead is sweet, in the same way let the family of (the son’s name) with (the name of his bride) be indestructible by any adversity, strong in faith in each other, sweet in their love. Let them be inseparable, starting right from this day and this minute - only together, so that not a moment apart from each other! Amen.

Parting words

  • Son! We wish you to create a happy, strong family. Take care of your future wife, love her devotedly. May your relationship be built on honesty, mutual understanding and the love that is shining now in your eyes. Be happy!
  • Beloved son! We bless you for creating your family. May God protect her from all misfortunes, from storms and evil. Be faithful, love your wife. Protect her with a strong shoulder from the difficulties of this world, let her receive help from you in all matters. May there be harmony and love, devotion and faith between you for happiness for yourself and joy for other people. Peace, peace and endless happiness to you!
  • (Groom's name), son! All earthly blessings and peace to you! Let your home be a full cup and let love and mutual understanding always reign there. Having harmony in the family helps preserve love for a long, long life. We wish you healthy and strong children, so that they grow up and make you and your wife happy and help you. We wish that the sun shines brightly for your family and that the clouds do not roll into the sky. May God protect you and everything that is dear to you, and you, in turn, respect and take care of your wife. Be always happy!

In the next video you will find two examples of blessings from the parents of the bride and groom before the wedding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9Xhe0oQ9KU

Blessing Examples

  • Dear daughter, today you are leaving your parents’ home and starting a new life. Building a family is a difficult and responsible job. We have invested in you all those important qualities that will make you a good wife. And I am sure that everything will work out for you. You will be a great wife and a wonderful mother. Solve all life's obstacles with wisdom, support your husband, treat him with understanding. You become one, and I am very happy for you! God will help you!

  • My daughter! Today your childhood dream has come true. You wanted to be a fairytale princess in a beautiful dress. I wanted a prince to come to you on a white horse. I wanted a lot of guests and gifts. Today is the day when all this comes true. But just remember, my dear, that real life is not a fairy tale. You will get everything you want if you continue to work at it. I wish you to be a charming, light, cheerful, but at the same time wise woman. Love your husband and take care of him. I hope he can extend the fairy tale of your life for a very long time.
  • Our dear daughter. Today the moment has come when dad and I are letting you into adulthood. Remember that building good family relationships is not easy, it requires a lot of patience. Your husband will be the head of the family, and you should be a faithful and kind helper. You are now becoming a family and all problems must be solved together. Happiness and love to you!

  • My favorite girl! Know that a woman develops in four main roles: mother, daughter, bride and wife. You have already performed two roles perfectly. The remaining two are the most important. I wish you to become a wonderful wife and an excellent mother. Let there always be understanding, order and respect in your family. Support each other at every stage. Be kind and tolerant. I bless you!
  • My girl! It seems like not so long ago you tried on my shoes and dresses and dreamed of how you would wear them as an adult. It was very funny watching you try to paint your lips for the first time, and now you are already teaching me all the rules of makeup. Time is fleeting. I am happy to see how your eyes shine when you look at your chosen one. On this amazing day, I wish you wisdom and understanding. And to you, son, patience and strength. Keep your love and happiness for many years to come. Congratulations!
  • Dear daughter. People say, “many search, but only a few find.” You found each other and found your happiness. Store it for as long as possible. I really want the smile to never leave your faces, so that your eyes shine with love and tenderness. Don't be afraid of problems, everything passes. After the rain the sun always comes out. If your loved one's shoulder is nearby, then you can overcome any difficulties. Be a support and support for each other. We are always here for you. I bless you!

Congratulations in verse

*** “Today I congratulate my daughter. My little one has become an adult. As a mother before God, I bless I give you my cherished words.

May there be many bright colors in life, With space for all great things, And may the plot of the great Russian fairy tales of Goodness and happiness be your lot.

Let the husband love, care and believe. Let the children appear in love. Let your friends never cheat, Always live with a smile on your face!”

*** “I bless my daughter. May my daughter be happy and healthy. As a mother, I sincerely wish her Soul not to worry in vain.

Let the sun shine kindly and softly, And if it rains, so that you don’t catch a cold. Let luck hold your hand carefully And let there be enough words and strength for everything serious. Let your family please and attract you. You are the mistress of it - do everything wisely! Let family life “drag in” to the end. May a big, cozy home always await you.

And with your husband, be a great force. If “who can’t”, let someone else “can”, Well, let love help you survive Without all the obstacles until the golden wedding!

*** “My daughter! Today you are the bride! And tomorrow you will be a legal wife. I wish you an interesting life. Be desirable and faithful to your husband!

The path ahead of you is thorny, long... Feel free to step on this path. May luck always be there, Without allowing anyone to turn away.

Let love always lurk in the heart. Let tenderness also always live. Be with each other only together. After all, they “unite” closest to each other.

Let children be born in your home. Let laughter and joy sparkle in it. Happiness and health will be with you Early in the morning, in the evening and during the day!”

What is important to know about blessing?

  • The blessing of the bride is done with the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, and the blessing of the groom with the icon of Christ the Savior.
  • It is forbidden to hold icons with your hands; for this purpose, you can purchase special towels or sew them yourself.
  • According to custom, parents rebaptize the future spouses before the ceremony, and repeat this in front of the banquet hall.
  • If one of the spouses has an incomplete family, then godparents can do this.
  • The newlyweds bow to their parents, accepting blessings and kissing the icons.

Icons for blessing are family icons, which have been passed down through generations, or purchased specifically for the celebration and illuminated in advance in the church. The Mother of God is a symbol of kindness, humility, and the birth of children. And Christ is a symbol of masculinity and protector of the family.

The mother stands with the icon in front of her daughter and says prayers and words of blessing. After which the bride must kiss the icon and touch it with her forehead. This symbolizes gratitude to the mother for her upbringing and a request to higher powers to help her family.

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Parting words to the son and “new” daughter from the groom’s father and mother

Dear children! Today means a lot to all of us. I thought I was losing my son, but in fact I had found a wonderful daughter. Now my family has grown, this is also happiness. I bless you, live in harmony and appreciate each other. Let ringing laughter always be heard in your home, and let the smiles of two loving people give light. I wish you healthy children, to the delight of grandparents, to help mom and dad. Cherish the love!

My dear son and (name of the bride), his wife. Thank you! Today has made me much richer - now I have a daughter. Son, look at this girl who has become your wife. She's beautiful. You must be worthy of her, be a protector and support. Love each other, children, keep your feelings for life. Then your life will be bright and clear, full of bright moments and quiet joy. You and your mother have our blessing, and the main thing is that you have each other.

Solemn speech of parents to newlyweds when presenting a gift

And finally, the third option for parental speech is words of instruction spoken during the presentation of gifts. For example, as a gift - a certain amount of money. In this case, the relatives say the following: “We are glad to welcome you to this hall as husband and wife. You are a new “cell of society” that is being born before our eyes. On this wonderful and sunny day of your wedding, we want to wish you happiness. Let your eyes sparkle with joy and your hearts beat in unison. This envelope will be your first joint capital acquired in your family union. Spend it wisely, and most importantly, together!”

Incendiary dance of Grandmothers-hedgehogs

Wedding gifts for parents from newlyweds.
The bride's friends will give the newlyweds and guests bright emotions by preparing Grandma the Hedgehog's act. For the first part of the performance, the girls dress up as funny and old-fashioned grandmothers, wearing long skirts and robes, and tying scarves around their heads.

The girls enter the wedding stage in a friendly crowd and begin to perform a memorized dance to a cheerful song or adaptation of a hit song.

After the performance, one of them addresses the guests: we did not just entertain you, but we collected money for a wedding gift from the newlyweds to the parents. The friends go to the guests, as if to collect the bills, but at the last moment they turn around and return to the stage, loudly complaining: who will help the old women.

The girls quickly take off their old-fashioned clothes and dance a fiery youth dance. Young dancers go to the guests asking them to help raise funds for a worthy gift for the newlyweds. After such a brilliant performance, they, as a rule, do not skimp.

Rules for speaking at a wedding

Of course, many holiday presenters make mistakes. That is why the people closest to the spouses have the right to hesitate during congratulations. Such nuances will make it clear that the relatives feel sincere joy for the couple in love. Parents receive the right to demonstrate their oratory skills at the wedding of their children. Newlyweds treat congratulations on their wedding day with special trepidation. They want to hear those words that can convey their excitement on such an important day. Of course, parents should support their children. That is why special attention is paid to their congratulations.

Naturally, the loving couple has more than one congratulation ahead. Their wedding anniversary and other significant dates await them. However, it is simply impossible to forget the congratulations that the parents said on the wedding day.

This solemn day is filled with various congratulations from friends, relatives and the host of the holiday. But very often these are familiar phrases that are impossible to remember. The newlyweds, naturally, will not remember all the toasts and speeches, so the choice of congratulations must be taken with full responsibility. A person’s memory captures the brightest moments, while others are simply erased, as if with an eraser. A wedding video will help you remember everything.

Not everyone can convey their emotions in such a way as to touch the hearts of everyone present in the room. In this case, you can turn to professional writers. They will choose the words that most accurately emphasize the importance of the moment. Remember that you will have to write your speech in rough draft. Only in this case will the congratulations have the required psychological level. And only an author with talent can achieve an ideal result.

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