Vector ring in the relationship between a man and a woman

What are they and why are they sent?

The concept of vector relationships appeared at the end of the twentieth century, thanks to the astrologer Grigory Kvasha. He compiled a detailed marriage horoscope, in which he paid special attention to vector relationships.

In the eastern horoscope there are twelve signs that form a vector ring. They line up according to the master-servant principle, walking one after another: Rat and Horse, Horse and Boar, Boar and Dragon, Dragon and Rabbit, Rabbit and Rooster, Rooster and Dog, Dog and Bull, Bull and Tiger, Tiger and Goat, Goat and Snake, Snake and Monkey, Monkey and Rat.

A special attraction forms between these couples, which is quite difficult to explain. Moreover, the relationship does not depend on the personal characteristics of the signs. The term “master” means that this partner will be dominant throughout their life together. The distribution of roles occurs unconsciously, the second in a couple, that is, the “servant” gives himself completely to his partner, not understanding his pathological dependence and desire to be close.

The “servant” sacrifices himself, and the “master” dominates and enjoys power. Such relationships cannot be called happy, there is no equality in them, they often destroy the personality, causing a lot of negative emotions. At the same time, the energy of the relationship is strong, passion boils in them.

If you meet people who are compatible in many respects, then the relationship can last a long time. However, if it is necessary to destroy the union, separation occurs very difficultly, sometimes for a long time with periodic returns or separation “not completely”. Vector relationships do not predict happiness or great troubles, there is simply a strong energetic connection between the signs.

Such relationships are sent to someone who needs a sharp change in circumstances, who needs to develop and undergo trials, but he just can’t decide to do it. Vector marriage can help a person become more understanding and developed and move to a new stage in their development.

What is a vector marriage?

You probably remember from geometry lessons that “vector” is a direction. What and where is going in such a marriage?

The "vector ring" system contains the twelve signs of the ancient Chinese calendar from Rat to Monkey. Each symbol emits a vector of energy that is received by the neighboring representative. The circle closes, so all characters have the opportunity in this flow to be both “Masters” (receive) and “Servants” (give).

Chinese zodiac circle, top view

It should be noted that the position of the “Owner” is not always advantageous. The servant may be so weak-willed that you have to become a nanny for him. However, the “Boss” can also be despotic, then the partner will suffer until his immune system and energy are completely damaged. The best type of relationship in such unions is a fair “Master” and a grateful “Servant”.

No matter what scenario the vector marriage plays out, it will not be smooth and peaceful. In any case, this is a test that is necessary for spiritual growth and fulfillment of karmic tasks

Distribution of roles by year of birth

Vector relationships based on the influence of the year are built in different ways. Who is the master and who is the servant can be seen in the table:

  • Rat and Horse. High level of energy, developed intelligence of both partners. They love communication and always have a lot of friends. The Horse's daydreaming does not always please the Rat. The Rat is more practical, so the Horse with its head in the clouds can irritate it. They will not give in to each other, which will lead to certain problems.
  • Horse and Boar. The Pig is carefree and a little stubborn. The horse is endowed with passion and romance. Relationships are made up of emotions, and not always positive ones. Quarrels often arise, attempts to solve everyday problems from different sides. For a marriage to work out, the Horse needs to become more humble, which is problematic for it.
  • Boar and Dragon. Such a union can be harmonious, since the signs understand each other well.
  • Dragon and Rabbit. The Dragon has a high level of energy and will take care of the Rabbit, so they have every chance of living for a long time. The Dragon is practical, and the Rabbit has a developed spirituality, which will help them in their life together.
  • Rabbit and Rooster. The beginning will not be easy. They will have to learn to understand each other in order to live together.
  • Rooster and Dog. The union is complex; these two signs have little in common with each other. Both are active and combative, defending their point of view. The Rooster loves to lead and be a leader, but the Dog is also looking for its place in the social group, which creates certain problems in the couple.
  • Dog and Bull. They have devotion, so they can build quite successful relationships. The Ox is stubborn, so the Dog will have to come to terms with this, otherwise constant conflicts are inevitable.
  • Bull and Tiger. They are opposites. The Tiger is playful, the Ox is practical and serious. It is difficult for their energies to intersect.
  • Tiger and Goat. The tiger is the support in the couple and brings stability. He protects the Goat and helps her. In such a relationship, harmony will reign, but at the beginning it will not be possible to avoid some mistakes.
  • Goat and Snake. Both want relationships and family. The energy is strong, there is passion between them, as a rule there are no quarrels, but they keep grievances inside themselves.
  • Snake and Monkey. The love of such a couple will not last long. The Snake will strangle the Monkey, which will ultimately destroy love, although energetically they are quite compatible.
  • Monkey and Rat. They have every chance of success, as the partners will support each other. There is comfort and prosperity in their home.

Vector ring structure

Zodiac signs according to the Eastern horoscope form a Big Ring. Vector marriages by year form 12 pairs. The same sign in different unions can be a servant or a master. Vector horoscope of compatibility:

Host (host)Servant (slave)Features of relationships
MonkeyRatCompatibility is low. A smart Monkey is not interested in a loving, simple and superficial Rat.
SnakeMonkeyThere is little trust, sensitivity, mutual understanding. The monkey is very tired of the bustle, he wants peace, he lacks strength.
GoatSnakeThe impression is that a wise person is controlled by a capricious and eccentric Goat. The Snake wants to experience lightness, passion, and become a Goat.
TigerGoatThere is no harmony in the union; delight easily gives way to despair. The Goat lacks inner strength.
BullTigerConstant rivalry, conflicts, although relationships can be stable. With one jerk, the Bull transforms strength into action, words into actions, which is what the Tiger so lacks.
DogBullA marriage can be successful if the Dog allows the Ox to dominate, and he takes from her a little fanaticism, confidence, and righteous anger.
RoosterDogCommon marriage. The Rooster gives the Dog strength and open-mindedness.
CatRoosterDifferent approaches to life. The Cat is a philosopher, the Rooster is an eccentric who comes to his partner for spiritual fulfillment.
The DragonCatSuccess is possible provided that the Cat constantly admires the Dragon, who is a real encyclopedist and erudite.
BoarThe DragonA successful marriage will only be with equality. Without the intellectual processor of the Dragon's encyclopedic knowledge, everything will be covered in dust. The boar is the savior of the situation.
HorseBoarA complex union. The Horse is able to structure the unsystematic nature of the Pig, but joint adventures can be dangerous.
RatHorseA marriage will be successful if one spouse makes sacrifices. The Rat can make the union harmonious if the Horse does not constantly oppose it.

If according to the years (Big Ring) a union can be successful, then a vector marriage according to the signs of the zodiac, also called the Small Circle, can become fatal. Often one sign can be a servant and a master. The positive side is that such emotional connections push people to create real masterpieces in many forms of art and force them to create. It is important to pay attention to periods of increased strength or decreased energy:

Zodiac signMasterServantDecline periodRising period
Cancera lionCapricornAugustJanuary
a lionFishCancerMarchJuly
FishScalesa lionOctoberAugust

According to zodiac signs

Relationships based on a vector can be based not only on years, but also on zodiac signs. This is called a “small vector ring”.

Vector relationships can develop only by year, only by month of birth, or be double, which is an increase in energy and the receipt of a “double master,” and this makes the union unpredictable, full of emotions and contradictions. As can be seen from the table above, for example, for the sign of Pisces, the servant is Leo, and the master is Libra.

The owner may show strong neglect of the partner, a tendency towards manipulation, and cruel dominance. However, there are also strong alliances between such vector pairs, if the combination is successful.

Character traits

You can determine whether you are in a vector relationship not only by your horoscope. Such couples have certain features that set them apart from the rest.

  1. Gradual thinning of the energy field. Both partners are energy vampires for each other. Due to constant moral stress, their internal energy quickly runs out, which affects their well-being.
  2. Excessive irritability on the part of the “owner”. Even minor offenses on the part of the “servant” can throw him off balance. He rarely praises his significant other, preferring constant criticism.
  3. Difficulties in breaking up relationships. Getting out of the vector ring is equally difficult for master and servant. They may separate for a while, but then look for reasons for new meetings. As a rule, such a relationship lasts for years and rarely ends on an easy note.
  4. The perception of a “servant” by the outside world as a ward of his “master”. Even the closest friends will consider the follower dependent on the leader - their connection is easy to notice from the outside. The “servant,” in turn, denies this fact in every possible way, trying to prove his independence.
  5. Constant jealousy on the part of both partners. They are not ready to share their soulmate with someone else. The dominants in such unions are special owners - they do not forgive their partners for cheating or even light flirting on the side.

What kind of relationship do the partners have?

Marriage between vector partners is unpredictable. Love and passion arise quickly and their subsequent lives are filled with various emotions and chaos. At the same time, the Master rules, takes, and the Servant gives energy, completely submitting.

If the dominant is strong, then he can become extremely selfish, completely suppressing the will and personality of the partner, while it is quite problematic for the Servant to break out of this circle, since he is dependent without understanding why.

Their relationship develops regardless of logic. It would seem that incompatibility should destroy the union, but it continues to hold on, sometimes for a long time, exhausting both partners.

In a relationship:

  • High emotionality.
  • Chaos reigns.
  • If a personality has vulnerabilities, this leads to its destruction.
  • Partners open up to each other easily.
  • Partners are in constant tension.

Partner interaction

Almost always, such a ring relationship between a man and a woman can be called “fatal love.” It comes out of nowhere - two people who are completely different at first glance cannot live without each other for a single minute.

“Vectors” feel each other perfectly - they are able to find their soulmate among a noisy crowd and immediately highlight them. Active interaction between partners immediately arises - they spend all their free time together, “groping” for each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

It is impossible to control the development of relationships in such a couple. It is dominated by an emotional component that defies any laws of logic.

In the classic scenario, the “master” suppresses the “servant” in all areas of life. He has a powerful influence on him, deprives him of the right to choose and controls his emotions. Even if it is necessary to break the stereotypes and principles of the subordinate, the dominant is ready to do everything to prove his power and superiority.

For the “servant” in such a couple, many difficulties can arise. Strong-willed and stubborn representatives of this category will struggle with themselves for a long time. Constantly trying to win the favor of your leader quickly tires and gets boring. It is on this basis that the first conflicts arise in a couple.

After this stage, as a rule, comes humility. Understanding by the “servant” that it will not be possible to dominate or at least be on equal terms with the “master”, acceptance of this can be the beginning of a strong and long-lasting relationship. And if at the same time the leader in a couple is lenient towards his other half and gives her a little freedom, then true love will certainly arise in such a union.


To understand whether you really have a vector relationship, evaluate the following signs:

  • A vector connection is difficult to break; it lasts for years without understanding what actually keeps partners close.
  • The Master is jealous and seeks to return the Servant if he suddenly decides to leave.
  • Relationships thin the energy field. You get tired of them, vulnerabilities appear, and any criticism is perceived painfully.
  • The Master is irritated by the actions and actions of the Servant, and the Servant at the same time depends on compliments.
  • The Master does not value the Servant enough, which ultimately leads to the appearance of complexes, self-doubt, dependence on the partner and his opinion.

Vector pairs are a mysterious phenomenon in astrology..

Vector pairs are a mysterious phenomenon in astrology. Relationships between people in a vector marriage Vector couples are one of the most mysterious phenomena in astrology, which is still not fully studied and explained. However, try to track your “vectors” and observe your relationships - you will immediately understand that these connections exist and that they influence your life. Therefore, it is better to approach vector relationships consciously, understand what is happening, and, if possible, keep your finger on the pulse.

What is a “vector ring”?

A vector ring is a pair of signs of the Eastern calendar, distributed in a special way. The relationships in these couples are different from all others and play a fatal role in the lives of the partners.

All signs of the eastern horoscope can be arranged in pairs according to the Master - Servant principle. Each of us has a Servant and a Master, so vector pairs are closed in a ring (Sheep - the master of the Snake, the Snake - the Monkey, the Monkey - the Rats, the Rat - the Horse, the Horse - the Boar, the Boar - the Dragon, the Dragon - the Cat, the Cat - the Rooster, Rooster - Dogs, Dog - Bull, Bull - Tiger, Tiger - Sheep).

The “vector ring” was discovered by astrologer G. Kvasha. He noticed that he, a Horse by year, had a strange relationship with female Rats. He began to observe, compare facts, ask friends, conduct historical research - and eventually identified all 12 vector pairs.

Vectoring is not determined by any mathematical laws such as a certain age difference - it is a purely energetic phenomenon, identified empirically.

The vector connection is explained by the fact that each year is characterized by a certain type of energy, and in vector pairs the exchange of energy occurs in a somewhat specific, unequal way. Vector communication works unconsciously, against the will of a person, and is practically uncontrollable.

The “depth” of the vector impact is directly proportional to the time that the Master and Servant spend together, and during which they interact at the energy level.

How does interaction occur in a vector pair?

In a vector pair, active interaction immediately begins; “vectors” feel each other, identify each other in the crowd, stand out - our vectors immediately become “special” for us and attract a lot of attention. This is a mutual process, independent of who is the Master and who is the Servant.

The first thing you feel in a relationship with a vector is their increased energy intensity. Communication with the vector can be described as very intense. And then everything depends on the individual characteristics of the person, because vector relationships are completely unpredictable.

The vectors seem to touch each other with the most sensitive zone, the point of least resistance, so to speak. This has its pros and cons, but more often it is cons, because it is impossible to protect yourself from this influence - accordingly, we cannot control this process.

It is traditionally believed that vector unions are not very favorable: they are exhausting and the exchange of energy in them is unequal. When the Master gives energy to the Servant, the Servant perceives a little of this energy, maybe 20 percent, and the remaining 80 is rejected. But the Servant really needs what is contained in this twenty percent, so he constantly demands from the Master to give more.

The Master has a mirror situation, but adjusted for the fact that of what the Servant offers, the Master is ready to agree to 20 percent, and the rest irritates him.

Thus, the relationship “exhausts” both, but the Servant to a much greater extent, because he “needs” this contact more and in it he is ready to give his last, if only the Master would pay attention to him.

It is, of course, worth understanding that not all vector relationships are equally intense, because people are influenced by countless factors. Sometimes the “vectority” manifests itself very clearly, and in other cases it is more smoothed out and can only be tracked at the level of trends (or only in certain situations).

Vector relationships have several characteristic features

— Vector relationships thin, so to speak, a person’s own protective (energy) field or find his vulnerabilities. He becomes much more sensitive.

For this reason, criticism in vector alliances is perceived very painfully, even in the “soft” version, by both sides. And it’s extremely difficult to think a thousand times before saying something, so it’s often impossible to avoid conflict, especially in everyday situations (when living together or having close contact at work).

“The master experiences much more irritation from his servant’s misdeeds than he should.” He cannot understand why the Servant fusses so much and why he always does the “wrong thing”. At the same time, the Servant is very susceptible to the Master’s compliments, but the Master is in no hurry to give compliments; on the contrary, it is difficult for him to resist criticism.

The complexes that arise in the Servant as a result are rather poorly processed, since criticism from the Master touches very deeply. It is possible, if people are “advanced,” to agree not to say certain things to each other, but the other person will most likely read it in their eyes.

— Once a vector connection has been established, it is very difficult to break it. It can last for years.

— The servant is always perceived as the master’s ward. At the same time, the ward himself may not feel or describe it this way, but, on the contrary, believe that he himself knows perfectly well how he and the Master should live. But from the outside it’s usually clearer.

- The owner is very jealous. In the event that the Servant begins to “change horses midstream” and put someone else on a pedestal, the Master gets irritated, sincerely believing that the Servant is doing something stupid, and seeks to return him or punish him.

— A Servant is characterized by two types of behavior.

If pride is painful, then the Servant, feeling the impulse to “curry favor,” will instead try to crush the Master under him with all his might. “If I defeated the Master, then I’m cool,” the Servant subconsciously thinks. Due to this, he will criticize the Master at the slightest opportunity. The Master’s cup of patience risks overflowing—then the conflict will become open.

If the Servant’s self-esteem is all right, then he is glad that he has a Master and accepts his energies. In this case, however, there is a danger that he will blame the Master for his life. But the Master still does not value the Servant enough and does not praise him enough - the Servant begins to develop complexes (almost inevitably).

However, this type of reaction to the vector is still much preferable. However, there is a danger here too: the Servant in such a situation begins to strive to communicate more often with the Master, which can result in additional loss of energy.

— The advantages of vector relationships are quickly established contact between partners, a complete sense of mutual understanding and a huge motivation to communicate. It’s just important not to get too close to each other so that the pluses remain pluses.

Why are vector relationships so attractive in the first stage?

At first, the Master is always interested in the Servant, and the Servant is always interested in the Master. This mutual attraction can be mistaken for love. Such marriages have a very difficult time breaking up, coming back together and never being able to let each other go.

The deepest vector unions begin with the Master “courting” the Servant (the ring seems to go in the opposite direction). But further movement will go in one direction, increasingly accelerating, to the ever-increasing indifference of the master and the ever-increasing ardor of the servant. Therefore, there is no need to be deceived in such a situation and build expectations.

It is worth keeping in mind that the feeling of deep mutual understanding that usually develops at the beginning does not bear the expected fruit later - and the situation, as a rule, begins to deteriorate sharply, and the partners’ bodies begin to wear out. Communication should be measured from the very beginning.

Of course, the situation should not be dramatized; there is no need to shy away from “vectors,” especially since they are not to blame for this quality. Nothing terrible or unpleasant happens - you just need to follow certain “safety precautions” - then everything will go as smoothly as possible.

In many couples there is one who dominates and one who submits, then how is a vector union different?

Communication with the “vector” can be as interesting as you like, emotionally - amazingly inclusive, but with energy it’s bad - both are often devastated. Like in that joke where Stirlitz gave the cat gasoline to drink. If you remember, she walked two steps and fell. “The gasoline has run out, thought Stirlitz.”

This is how it is in a vector pair. This is the main difference between vectorality and similar types of relationships (with a senior partner, with a boss, or even in a socionic “sub-order”).

Another observation leads to the same conclusion - people who enter into a ring marriage get sick more often. They seem to be deprived of additional protection.

Vector marriages, depriving spouses of a protective field, make them more impressionable and sharpen their perception.

Such qualities contribute to success in some professions and creative activities. Children of vector marriages are also susceptible to this influence - they can be both unbalanced and brilliant.

It was noticed that the Servant, having escaped from the influence of the Master, immediately begins to achieve success in those areas that were previously inaccessible to him. He transforms, straightens his shoulders, and his former attractiveness returns. Well, how can the ex-Boss not think about renewing the relationship? Often this is where it ends. And everything goes in the second circle.

Another scenario for the development of events: the Servants, freed from the vector marriage, again find themselves in the same relationships with other Masters, because they have already developed the corresponding behavioral stereotypes and patterns of perception.

Are there any advantages to vector marriages?

This is a very controversial issue and the subject of much debate. It is believed that there are advantages for people of creative professions who need a constant emotional shake-up - this does not need to be achieved artificially in a vector marriage. The soul is already naked. Tears are required on stage - they are always close, hysterical laughter - no problem.

The creative environment is the only one where vector marriage can be somehow justified. But all this, again, for the time being. Then the spouses either move away, instinctively avoiding spending a lot of time together, or they come to the situation “it’s bad with him, but even worse without him” - that is, they find themselves in a vicious circle in which violent emotions ultimately devastate and weaken the partners. It is extremely difficult to maintain this measure.

Vector relationships in creativity

Usually the works of Servants are assessed very skeptically by the Masters. Yesenin (Koza) said with disdain about Mayakovsky (Snake): “He is a poet for something, and I am a poet for something.”

However, such relationships seem to be favorable for co-authorship, because the speed of information exchange between the Servant and the Master is much higher than the speed of exchange in other pairs. In addition, in co-authorship, the Servant is often of a higher level, and vectoring easily evens out the imbalance, and the standard conflict of co-authors - “who is more important” - does not arise.

And finally, vector contact brings both authors into an excited state, a state of heightened sensitivity, which obviously increases the level of the works created.

There are known vector pairs of science fiction writers Voyskunsky (Dog) - Lukodyanov (Bull), Yemtsev (Horse) - Parnov (Boar), detective authors - Lavrov (Snake) - Lavrova (Monkey), science fiction writers Abramovs (Rat and Monkey), under the pseudonym brothers Tur.

Historical examples of vector relationships

Dramatic “vectors”: Caesar and Brutus, Peter and his son Alexei, Alexander and his father Pavel, Mozart and Salieri, Yesenin and Mayakovsky, Stalin and Tito, Clinton and Lewinsky, Bush and Bin Laden, Putin and Khodorkovsky.. This is one side vector contact.

On the other hand, if in world culture two names rhyme, two people merge into one, then this often turns out to be a Vector Ring: Ilf and Petrov, Allen and Souvestre, Weber and Rice, Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. All this is also a vector.

Fatal vector love has not escaped almost any of the great writers. One of the most famous vector pairs is the famous French writer Alfred de Musset (Horse) and the equally famous French writer George Sand (Rat).

Vector between parents and children

Vectoring between parents and children, most often, is not particularly noticeable, because they get used to it from childhood. But it affects conflicts and also worsens if we haven’t seen each other for a long time.

If a person has one parent who is a vector, then his relationships with other vectors he meets will likely be smoother, because this pattern is familiar and sharp corners are instinctively avoided - as much as possible.

Children in vector marriage:

— “vector” children are often uncontrollable, just like vector marriages themselves; - children copy the “vector chaos” that exists at the energy level even when everything is outwardly fine in the family.

This is especially pronounced if there is also a vector with one of the parents. - a child in a vector marriage requires tenfold attention and a special approach. Few people succeed in this - all the energy of the vectors is spent on relationships with each other, there is no longer enough energy for children.

What do vector relationships teach us? Why do we periodically meet “vectors”?

Vector relationships teach humility. The owner will go through all our subconscious fears and self-doubts that exist. It is unknown whether this can be worked through to the end, because the Owner will still find something new every time. But if you work through each vector, then each next one will be easier. A servant for the Master is also a test of strength.

Is it possible to “work through” vector relationships and learn to smooth them out?

There are people who have a well-developed theme with vector Masters, and there are those who have worked it out with vector Servants, but very rarely with both. It is convenient when someone who has worked well with Servants connects with someone who has worked well with Masters.

The most interesting thing is that the bitter experience of the Servant does not help the person in any way when he himself finds himself in the role of the Master in his other vector pair. After all, everyone has both a Servant and a Master.

Living with a vector is on the verge of safety precautions, but it is completely possible. So just be careful, be aware and notice the moment when you get too involved and spend too much energy. And don’t be offended if something goes wrong - in most cases the vector didn’t want to offend, and certainly not that much (the same applies to being careful with your words, the sensitivity is mutual).

Well, remember that if you are comfortable with the vector and it increases your self-esteem, then don’t listen to anyone - you won’t leave the person who suits you because of some kind of astrological theory; in life, there are exceptions to everything.

© Based on research materials by astrologer G. Kvash

Pros and cons of marriage

Vector relationships have both pros and cons.


  • A variety of feelings, a vivid expression of emotions, the opportunity to experience strong love.
  • Partners open up to each other easily, and relationships develop quickly.
  • A feeling of mutual understanding.


  • Constant conflicts even over minor issues.
  • Vulnerability, thinning of defense.
  • Constant stress, which is mentally exhausting and undermines mental and physical health.

How to break vector relationships?

Such relationships will never become calm and relaxed. A volcano of emotions and passions will always boil within them. Times of truce will alternate with the smashing of dishes against the walls or explosive scandals.

If you are not ready to live your whole life in such conditions, you should try to get out of a vector relationship while maintaining your marriage. For this purpose, a special technique was developed.

  • try to bring harmony into the relationship;
  • be more attentive to your chosen one;
  • stop blaming others for your problems;
  • accept your position in the union and follow it;
  • respect your other half by being in the role of “master”;
  • Do not put personal ambitions and desires first if you are in the role of a “servant”.

But if the relationship objectively sucks all the strength out of you, and you no longer have the strength to endure it, you should try to leave your vector partner once and for all. To do this, we recommend listening to the following tips:

  • limit your time with your significant other to a minimum;
  • even with the strongest desire to return to your past relationship, control yourself;
  • The most effective way to protect yourself from a vector partner is to leave him.

You can learn how to leave an unwanted relationship in the video below.

What to do if you are already in such a union?

Rarely does anyone act wisely and practically, so one day you may realize that you are in a vector union. You shouldn’t give up everything at once; there are a few tips that will help you cope with situations and maintain mental stability:

  • It is necessary to show maximum calm.
  • Assess how much such relationships affect you, your life and well-being.
  • Whatever you do, the Master will always be right, and the Servant will also think so.
  • If you are in the role of a Servant, then you will have to forget about equality and, especially, about attempts to dominate; this will bring nothing but quarrels.
  • If you want to take a break or see each other less often, then you should take advantage of this. This way you can take a break from each other.
  • If you are the Master, but learn to understand your partner and feel sorry for him.
  • Don’t rush into an official marriage, evaluate whether you can really stand it in such a relationship.
  • If you decide to have a relationship, then be prepared that your whole life will be stormy, sometimes exhausting.

Concept of master, servant and marriage doctor

In this marriage, the main role is given to the Master, who takes energy from his Servant.
Over time, the Master gains permissiveness, and the servant can lose his true qualities and degrade. It is generally accepted that the Master is the marriage doctor, because he is the vector in the family. It is the Master who is able, while in the shadows, to lead his spouse to glory, and it is he who is able to turn the life of his spouse into hell.

The man and woman in this marriage are constantly on the volcano. Any of them can “explode” at the same moment. Quarrels between Master and Servant break out spontaneously, instantly, without any apparent reason. But they are very difficult and painful.

A moment ago they were, it would seem, an ideal couple, but in a quarrel they become uncontrollable, aggressive, and cruel. They lose their human appearance, their antics are uncontrollable. Everyone tries to say words that will touch a nerve.

The Master morally mocks and oppresses until he feeds on the Servant’s energy, like a vampire. Such a skirmish can last for hours, the Master keeps returning and continues to throw out his black anger.

No actions of the Servant or his inaction will help in such minutes or hours. Any option to avoid a quarrel, to avoid it on the part of the Servant ends in the master becoming frantic. This is a terrible dream that seems to never end.

The owner gets the desired effect, just as suddenly, he finally calms down and continues to live as usual. It was as if none of this had happened. The servant, like a squeezed lemon, exhausted, spiritually defeated, exhausted, will still recover from this horror for a long time. This happens every time, as if in a circle, cyclically and endlessly.

Surviving such a nightmare is not only difficult, but at the limit of human capabilities. The resentment and inexplicability of the reasons for this negative outbreak each time alienate the Servant from his chosen one. The feelings he experiences gradually turn into hatred.

Negativity accumulates and turns into anger and hidden aggression. Only certain points of contact between two people living in such a marriage can keep the union from breaking.

One of these points, very important for many people, is the birth of a child or children. This is something for which any parent is ready to go to any lengths, this is something for which a parent can sacrifice his soul, his life


This point may be personal upbringing, a stable stereotype about the habitual negative moral character of divorced spouses. Each specific case has its own points of contact that force one to continue living in a vector marriage.

If your spouse has the fate of a Servant, try to accept all the antics of your Master philosophically, pay more attention to your recovery after the storm. Immediately draw a dose of positivity from any hobby or hobby

This will help you quickly forget the nightmare you recently experienced.


A child in such a union requires special treatment. Parents' nervousness and constant scandals affect their children. In such families, the development of sociopathy and neurasthenia in children is common.

Often vector partners give birth to children with highly developed intelligence, creativity and even genius. A child in a vector marriage may be uncontrollable, as he adopts the parents’ communication model.

If you decide on vector relationships

If you nevertheless decide on a vector union, then:

to begin with, do not rush to formalize the marriage and give birth to offspring - make sure that you can handle such a relationship;

the “master” is simply obliged to feel sorry for his “servant” in a marriage, whose personality will gradually lose its individuality over time;

The "servant" needs to remember the material and psychological conclusions that the "servant" must draw from this marriage;

in vector relationships, you can resort to the option of “temporary divorce” sometimes when the situation worsens and which will ease it before a new reunion;

vector couples need to be separated more often, the weaker the hurricane raging in this family will be;

the “servant,” if he decides to break off the relationship, must do everything to look as destroyed as possible in the eyes of his “master,” then he will get out of this situation with as few losses as possible;

Having parted with the “master”, the servant should not try to take revenge, much less return to him; on the contrary, he needs to distance himself as far as possible, and even better, not communicate at all until the mental wounds have healed.

Vector relationships. Have you found out that you are now in such an alliance? Are you already living in constant unpredictability and instability of relationships today? Now imagine that in 10, 20 years your life will be the same, only your partner will irritate you even more, and sometimes even offend you. If you are sure that you would not want such a future, that the relationship will indeed become unbearable over time, and the nervous tension will be very high, if you already feel that you are slowly fading away, then it is better to run, separate, withdraw yourself...

Life confirms over and over again that the “servant” who has left the influence of the “master” immediately begins to achieve success in all areas of life previously inaccessible to him.

If you understand that you cannot leave, that despite the complexity of your relationship, you still receive satisfaction from them, then... take them for granted and do not complain about your fate. To make your union easier, stop constantly proving something to your partner. If you and your spouse have a large age difference, or the marriage took place in adulthood, then, in principle, you can hope for good luck. Only in this case will it be necessary to painstakingly build tolerant relations with each other. If you want to give such a union a chance to exist, do not oppose yourself to your partner and do not draw attention to the differences between you. If you feel that there is a danger of a quarrel, immediately stop the conversation, go to another room or for a walk, find time to rest from each other. You will stage demonstrations and tantrums, defending your position, thereby only aggravating the conflict.

So we have a vector ring. Is it possible to live in such a relationship for the rest of your life? In general, it’s possible. This is only possible in cases where the partners do not initially consider marriage as a calm and balanced union created for the birth and upbringing of children, mutual support, if they cannot imagine life without the love and passion of a marital relationship with their closest and dearest on earth person.

Irina Dobrolyubova for All rights reserved.

How to leave a couple?

It is quite difficult to leave such a union; it will require a lot of strength, motivation and desire to change your life. First, you need to understand why you want to break up. The motivating factor will be the destruction of personality, the presence of negativity, and constant conflicts.

The best way to end such a relationship is to decide to leave immediately and forever, closing all avenues of communication. It’s good if you have the opportunity to go to another city. A change of scenery, new acquaintances will help destroy the created karmic connection. Leaving will require willpower, so as soon as you feel it surge, immediately pack your things and leave.

The gap can occur for years. A woman may say that she can no longer live with a man, but at the same time she continues to do this, since she is emotionally, physically, mentally dependent on him.

If you manage to break out of such a relationship, then not only relief comes, but your life changes dramatically. Freedom, success, new people and a new, more prosperous union with another partner come.

The master may not let the servant go and wants to renew the connection. And at this moment it is important that the Servant does not listen to him. That is why it is recommended to cut off all contacts and not try to find out anything about your partner’s life, so as not to hide him again.

When trying to communicate, you should deviate from it and not agree to meetings, even friendly ones. The likelihood that the couple will get together in this case is very high, only the relationship itself will remain the same.

What types of unions are there?

Astrologers divide vector marriages into two main types: accidental and karmic (or marriage by purpose).

By purpose

Despite the fact that there is no talk of compatibility between representatives of the vector ring, such a union is inevitable: no matter how hard a person tries, he will still join it. In such a union, the partner is sent by the Universe to correct past mistakes and self-knowledge.

If a woman or man has already been in a vector and miraculously emerged from it, but did not understand the lesson, then the next marriage will also be a vector.

In such relationships, the character of both changes and it is important to pay attention to your negative essence. And try to change it. If the partners remain strong and healthy, then there is a chance that they will receive a truly happy and vibrant marriage as a reward for their efforts for the rest of their lives.

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All other vector connections fall into this category. In this case, there is no karmic goal of “improving” the spouses, so the “servant” - “master” relationship is fully manifested here.

Some couples manage to have a common future . Others spend their entire lives trying to work on relationships, but nothing works out. And for others, a random vector marriage only brings disappointment and complete destruction of the individual. And then you need to try to get out of it.


If people truly love each other and are ready to work on their relationship, any type of vector marriage (according to Eastern, Western or both horoscopes) will be happy for them. It has the following advantages:

  • people quickly realize that there is a soulmate nearby, love arises at first sight;
  • vector union best reveals the whole gamut of feelings, emotions and vivid impressions;
  • with established mutual understanding, each partner experiences constant comfort, emotional uplift and spiritual harmony;
  • partners complement each other;
  • after separation, the master can achieve success in creativity, and the servant can make a career.

Relationship Basics

The basis of vector relationships are the following aspects:

  • instant contact as a result of creating a vector union: mind reading, comfort, spiritual intimacy, intellectual harmony, sexual attraction, passion;
  • logic, intuition, strength and will cannot resist vector attraction;
  • incredible energy expenditure, increased excitability and emotionality, outbursts of passion and aggression reminiscent of natural disasters;
  • vector relationships cause significant harm to human health, since they destroy his protective field and hit vulnerable spots.

A break up

A vector marriage will never become harmonious and calm. Relations in it will always be unpredictable, truces will be replaced by passion and outbreaks of hostility. Spouses cannot be apart, they are bored. But together it’s conflicting and cramped. The longer the union lasts, the more difficult it is to end the marriage. In this case, both halves suffer, because the loss of one’s essence is a rather difficult test. How to end vector relationships correctly? This question often arises among spouses. This is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible. If, after weighing all the pros and cons, you decide to save the marriage, try to harmonize it. You must have common ground. Rely on them in your aspirations. Work on your relationships. Then fate itself will help, and the marriage will smoothly turn into a happy community. To do this, you need to: forever come to terms with your fate; stop blaming others; don’t try to prove you’re right, just start playing your role; the owner must learn to respect his half, be fair and feel sorry for her; servant - forget about ambitions and become a faithful, caring and dutiful assistant. If a marriage has so exposed all feelings that there are practically no points of contact left, it is best not to torment either yourself or your partner. Increasingly thinking about the question of how to end a vector relationship, decide for yourself once and for all - stay or leave. You shouldn't rush back and forth. By doing this you unspeakably increase mutual suffering.

So, if you decide to break up, listen to the following advice: try to reduce communication time to a minimum; remember that the best medicine is separation and distance; Choose a distracting activity: sports, hobbies, travel. Following these simple tips, listen carefully to yourself. As soon as you feel at least some signs of willpower, run without looking back, forever. And make it a rule not to maintain any friendships. Eliminate completely any intersections, mutual assistance and other noble manifestations. Forget about having a bad dream about each other. Start a new life. What does a breakup promise? Most often, spouses can separate for years. And, as a rule, they fail. Most women claim that they have no strength to live with their husband, and that without him it is completely impossible. And no matter how many times they consult with psychologists about how to get out of vector relationships, in practice this rarely works out. But if this is possible, life changes 180 degrees. The escaped servant immediately begins to achieve incredible success in a field that was previously unknown to him. Having gained freedom, he begins to transform externally. Attractiveness returns, shoulders straighten wide. It is during this period that the ex-owner thinks about renewing communication. Unfortunately, this is often where it ends. And everything goes in circles again. Another option is also possible. The servant again finds himself in the same vector marriage, only with a different master. This happens because the established patterns and stereotypes of behavior turn out to be very strong.

Psychologists' opinion

Experts are of the opinion that the influence of horoscopes on marriages is greatly exaggerated. The main thing, they say, is for everyone to learn how to build the right vector relationships. The psychology of marriage should focus on accepting each partner as he is. There is no need to look for differences or oppose your views. And even more so flaunt these differences.

Sometimes, under the mask of such passionate love, neurotic attachment can be hidden. This manifests itself as oppressive jealousy, fear of loss, fear of loneliness. Such people are very insecure. Even short separations cause them anxiety and anxiety. They are characterized by manipulation, showdowns, and various provocations.

The descriptions are very reminiscent of vector relationships, but all this can be observed in ordinary marriages. Therefore, if life in the family resembles a powder keg, ready to explode at any minute, measures should be taken. And in order not to painfully look for a way out, trying to figure out how to break a vector relationship, it is best to go to an appointment with a family psychologist.

History of the theory

This theory arose as a result of personal research and astrological calculations of the chemist and astrologer Gregory Kvasha. He noticed inexplicable behavior and strange feelings resulting from his affair with the Rat (he himself was a Horse). The scientist decided to analyze the relationships of other couples born under different constellations, and noticed a certain pattern. He called such a union a vector marriage according to the signs of the zodiac. Kvasha came to its discovery at the end of the twentieth century. Since then, his work has been extremely popular among people who care about their future, resorting to the help of astrology.

Recommendations for the vector “servant”

The servant should listen to the advice of specialists with the sole purpose of saving himself and his loved ones from the negative outcome of an unhealthy life together. Do not ignore the following recommendations:

  • it’s worth reducing your ambitions;
  • do not provoke scandals;
  • behave correctly in any situation, without stooping to hysterics and insults;
  • try to be a faithful assistant;
  • If you want to break up, you shouldn’t do your best to restrain your impulse and try to fix the situation - most often, a breakup benefits both partners.

Recommendations for the vector “master”

To make life together harmonious and comfortable (primarily for yourself), the owner should listen to the advice of experts. They are as follows:

  • respect your significant other as a person. Avoid losing her individuality;
  • sympathize with your partner, feel sorry for him;
  • always listen to the servant's opinion. Even if your partner is wrong, treat him condescendingly;
  • take responsibility;
  • try to make the family strong, frankly try to maintain relationships;
  • Feeling your superiority, you should not abuse your authority.

Examples of famous couples

  • Sergei Yesenin - Isadora Duncan;
  • Anna Akhmatova - Nikolai Gumilyov;
  • George Sand - Alfred de Musset;
  • Jane Fonda - Ted Turner;
  • Tom Cruise - Nicole Kidman.

Before entering into a relationship, it is recommended to consult astrology. Vector union according to zodiac signs is very dangerous, so experts strongly advise avoiding it. But if feelings have already arisen and it’s too late to change anything, you need to make every effort to establish complete harmony. To do this, you need to find out the personality traits of your partner and always try to seek compromises. Then you can safely consider yourself a lucky person who was lucky enough to meet the love of his life.

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