Country wedding: description, traditions, features, scenario and interesting competitions

A wedding is one of the most significant, anticipated and fun events in the life of every person. They say that the more people attend the holiday, the happier the new family will be. The traditions of Rus' require strictly regulated actions, but although this sounds unpleasant, in fact, a wedding in Russian traditions is something unforgettable, filled with bright colors and the special energy of the people. A Russian village wedding is strictly subject to certain actions at each stage of the organization, and the result is a cheerful, sincere and freedom-breathing holiday.

Country wedding

Such a wedding means observing the established customs of Rus', which the newlyweds have observed from time immemorial. This was done so that the couple would jokingly become acquainted with their future responsibilities and realize that they were now responsible for their family.

A village wedding begins with matchmaking - the groom's parents come to the bride's house under the guise of lost wanderers who allegedly heard that there is a "chick" for sale in the house. At the beginning of this ritual, the groom must remain outside the threshold, and only after the bride’s consent enter the house. According to tradition, matchmakers must obtain the approval of the girl’s parents to enter into marriage; to do this, they naturally ask what she herself thinks about the groom. If the bride agrees to marry a young man, she cuts the bread brought by the matchmakers into several pieces. After this, the bride and groom leave.

A conversation begins between the parents about organizing a wedding. The day of the event and the number of guests on both sides are determined. Immediately after this, a groom should be elected - the main manager of the wedding, in other words - the toastmaster. He is looking for an assistant and a temporary replacement, and two matchmakers should also help him.

Wedding suits

If we compare the cut and features of modern wedding suits for the bride and groom and those worn by our ancestors, they are significantly different. Today, the bride can even wear a figure-hugging dress; previously, only loose-fitting dresses and suits were allowed. A kokoshnik, a red sundress and an apron must be required. A belt is also a necessary accessory.

Bride's outfit

In Russia, mostly brides prefer a white dress, which is the main symbol of purity and purity. In ancient times, brides had a red wedding dress and also wore folk costumes, but since Queen Catherine got married in a white dress, the tradition has changed.

But, of course, many couples also prefer dresses in folk style. His girls sew to order or buy them ready-made. Girls, both in ancient times in Rus' and in the modern world, must choose their own outfit for their wedding. Previously, the future bride, preparing for marriage, sewed her own outfit, but today brides prefer to buy a formal dress. From ancient times to today, the tradition has remained unchanged so that the groom does not see the bride in a wedding dress, as this is considered a bad sign.

Groom's outfit

The groom always wears a less colorful outfit than the bride. In the old days, men wore a long-sleeve shirt and an embroidered shirt, the accessory in this outfit was a wide, long belt. When a Russian wedding is held in the modern world, the groom's attire is different. Pants can be worn in any dark color, but the shirt should match the style of the bride's outfit.

Bride and Groom Assistants

The choice of a friend was always approached very carefully and carefully, because this person was entrusted with leading the most important event in the life of loving people. He had to be able to host a party, entertain the crowd, be the ringleader, and at the same time clearly control the process.

The matchmaker was chosen by the parents from among their married relatives. These were women who knew their stuff. They dressed the bride on the memorable day and took the dowry to the groom's house. Their duties included treating guests and receiving gifts. The design of a village wedding also lay on the shoulders of the matchmakers.

The bride chose her senior groomsman, who incessantly followed on her heels. She helped the girl accept gifts, invite guests and always participated in the process of dressing the future wife in a wedding dress.

A rustic wedding design is quite simple, but it is better to hire a person who is very well versed in Russian wedding traditions.

Matchmaking. Reconnaissance in force

According to tradition, matchmakers and parents agreed on the wedding of the newlyweds. Before matchmaking, preliminary “torture” was often carried out - they found out whether the chosen one was ready to get married. The matchmakers conducted their conversation allegorically: “Here, they say, you have a sheep. And here we have a merchant,” “Your little body has gotten lost here!” or “Our hunters walked around and spotted a fox. The fox ran into your yard.” The groom had to be shown from the best side - if not a prince on a white horse, then certainly a good owner and family man.

To avoid being rejected on the first “date,” in the Leningrad region, upon entering a hut, they tried to “fill up the sticks” (pokers or grips), and according to Cossack tradition, the groom’s mother hid a broom under her jacket. The guests brought a cake for the bride's parents. If the “torture” was unsuccessful, the pie was returned. In the Belgorod region, after a refusal, guests could be given a “garbuz” (pumpkin) - but only if the groom was categorically not satisfied. To annoy the bride, the rejected matchmakers tried to “close the door with their backs” when leaving. It was believed that after this no one would woo the picky girl.

Konstantin Trutovsky. They get the bride drunk. 19th century

Nikolay Pymonenko. Matchmakers. 1882

Nikolay Pimomenko. They got me in marriage. 1896

If the “torture” was successful, the bride’s mother divided the matchmaker’s pie into two or four parts, and the future wife, as a sign of her consent, gave the groom a scarf, blanket or sheet. Parents could immediately agree on official matchmaking - this ritual was called differently in each region. At the meeting (or magarych, singing, profit, drinking bouts) they sang funny drinking songs. Traditional dishes were served on the table: pies, jellied meat and okroshka. The groom's relatives brought lard, rye bread and strong alcohol with them.

Wedding song “Drunkard Drunkard” performed by A.I. Kurskaya and M.I. Dolzhenko from the village of Kupino, Shebekinsky district, Belgorod region

After the final agreement, the bride could no longer refuse the groom; it was considered an insult. The period of preparing gifts for future relatives began. Usually the bride sewed or knitted some clothes for the groom: a scarf and gloves, underwear, or even the entire wedding suit. A “chest”—a dowry—was also prepared for the celebration. Towels, dresses and bed linen were sewn and decorated with embroidery by the bride herself and her close relatives.


Drunken village weddings are the foundation of a fun celebration. But it is worth noting that people drank natural alcohol - liqueurs and tinctures. Because of this, their intoxication had a special character - it is not at all similar to the body's reaction to modern alcohol, when a person becomes passive, aggressive and dull. Folk drinks awakened joy, enthusiasm, a desire to have fun and a huge inner uplift, which is why even decrepit old people could dance all night long.


Great importance was attached to the signs that accompanied the future spouses during preparation for the feast. Here are some of them:

  • if a girl sneezed in the morning on her wedding day, then the marriage will be strong and happy;
  • A girl should only accept help in dressing from married friends;
  • you cannot show the groom in a wedding dress until the ceremony;
  • It is impossible for girlfriends to twirl in front of the mirror in front of the bride on her wedding day;
  • It is considered a bad sign to let your girlfriends try on your wedding ring;
  • the groom must participate in the process of organizing the holiday at all stages, otherwise he will be a bad host;
  • if on the way to church the future husband stumbles, then this indicates his uncertainty in his perfect choice;
  • At the end of the wedding feast, the groom must carry the bride over the threshold of the house in his arms.

Folk entertainment is considered a very important part of the holiday, because the happier and more fun people are at the feast, the more successful the couple’s family life will be. The organization of folk entertainment was carried out by a friend - he came up with competitions and amused the people.

Hen-party. "Goodbye youth!"

A few days before the wedding, we had a bachelorette party. In Rus', on this day they said goodbye to youth and parental care. The bride gathered her friends, the girls sang traditional songs:

Oh, there are little ropes at the gate, so Manechka’s friends have gathered. As they walked, the red girls passed like a mountain and called out to Maryushka with them: “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s get Maryushka in a row with us, Let’s play in harmony with us, Ivanovna.” - Go away, beautiful girls, don’t wait, Oh, I caught myself a strong swarm, Oh, a strong swarm - young Ivanechka.

Sad “lamentations” were performed by those who were saddened by the move to their husband’s family:

Wedding lamentation of the bride “Darlings, dear girlfriends” performed by P.A. Revunova from the village of Tebleshi, Bezhetsky district, Tver region

We sang at the bachelorette party and “gratitude” to our parents:

You are a red sun, Annushka Timofeevna, And take care of me, red mother sun. Thank you for the colorful dress, thank you for the bread and the salt.


  • Creating invitations. They can be ordered from a printing office or made in person. The main thing is that their style matches the style of the wedding.
  • Choosing a ceremony location. It is best for the wedding to take place outdoors, because this is most associated with the countryside and nature. You need to arrange long tables and cover them with linen tablecloths and towels. It is better to use fresh flowers and clay dishes as decoration. A Russian village wedding is impossible without mead, which you should make yourself. Dishes should be prepared in accordance with national cuisine - that is, simple and satisfying.
  • Pedestal decoration for a couple. You should pay attention to this moment and decorate the “pedestal” with sheaves of rye and wheat, dolls in national costumes and a lot of fresh flowers.
  • Date selection. You cannot get married during Lent or on January holidays, as it is believed that evil spirits are on the loose at this time. The best time to get married is summer. Pay attention to the lunar calendar; the wedding date should be set on the waxing moon, so that the family also expands and grows.
  • Bride. She should look the part. To do this, her friends braid her hair and tie her dress with a red belt. Particular attention should be paid to the veil; it should have 3 parts - to cover the braid, face and wreath.
  • Bridal wreath. It is advisable that it be made from fresh flowers, of which there are plenty in summer. The following flowers need to be woven into it: mint, periwinkle, viburnum and rue.

How to organize such an event in the old Russian style these days?

Preparation is an important part of organizing a modern Slavic wedding:

  • Place of celebration . It is better to choose a lawn, not far from a pond. Another option is a country house or estate in the Russian style.
  • Invitations . These can be postcards with folk patterns, decorated with flowers and twigs.
  • Menu . There should be dishes of Russian cuisine on the table. Their variety is enormous: cabbage soup, fish soup, pies, pancakes, stewed meat, baked fish, pickles, mushrooms, herring. Instead of a cake, it is better to serve a large berry pie.
  • Alcohol . His presence at a Russian wedding is undesirable. If you cannot do without it, then it is better to give preference to Russian drinks: kvass, mead, herbal and berry tinctures.
  • Cortege . The ideal option is horse-drawn carts. If this is not possible, then the cars can be decorated with ribbons with folk ornaments and wildflowers.
  • The image of the bride . For a girl, it is better to choose a floor-length red sundress with a white, embroidered blouse. A more familiar option is a white wedding dress, trimmed with embroidery in a folk style. On the head is a scarf or a wreath of flowers. The traditional hairstyle is a braid.
  • Image of the groom . Consists of trousers, white, embroidered shirt, wide belt and boots.

Wedding scenario

The wedding scenario in a rustic style includes several successive stages.

Hen-party. A rustic wedding involves it on the eve of a special event. A bachelorette party is a fun event with singing songs and funny ditties. But the girls also sing old ritual songs.

At this time, the groom is having dinner with his friends. After this, having collected sweets and treats, they all head together to the bride’s house. Free guys and girls begin to call the future married couple with different chants.

Morning songs. On the wedding day, the matchmakers and groomsmen are with the bride from the very morning. They sing songs without stopping until the groom appears.

Ransom. The groom and his retinue head to the bride’s house, where relatives (girls, often children and teenagers) are waiting for them with brooms and sticks, so as not to miss the groom and demand a ransom for the charming relative. He is not even allowed on the threshold; the bride’s “protectors” stand outside the gates and carefully guard them. The groom must pay a decent ransom and answer questions from the bride’s “defenders.” Only if the answers are satisfactory will he be allowed to see the girl.

Kurnik. This is a wedding cake, which is an integral part of a Russian wedding. It is baked from rich unleavened dough and beautifully decorated. Usually, kurnik is prepared in the form of a dome or an octagonal cap, and then decorated with many figures of people, animals and flowers.

Wedding feast. Dancing during breaks

On the wedding day, the bride was treated to a special ceremony - midwifery. The girl was combed and her headdress was changed to a new one - a married one. The matchmaker covered her from the evil eye with a veil, braided two braids “in a woman’s style” and styled them in a bun or “horns”. And on top of the hairstyle they put on a headdress, denoting a new social status. It was a cap or pochapushnik, a magpie or a kukoshnik - depending on the region.

Wedding a bride at a wedding in the village of Bolshebykovo, Krasnogvardeisky district, Belgorod region

Dressing the bride in a women's suit on the second day of the wedding in the village of Belitsa, Belovsky district, Kursk region

Chicken noodles, jellied meat, pies, jelly, uzvars (compotes) and porridge were served on the table on the wedding day. Special dishes also appeared at the festive dinner - “shishechki” (small buns) and pork ham, which was cooked for a whole day before the wedding. The wedding loaf was cut right there and a piece was distributed to everyone. The bride and groom, fearing the evil eye, sometimes ate in a separate room.

Not a single traditional Russian wedding took place without music and dancing. In the Pskov region, wedding marches were played at the celebration - on violins and cymbals.

“Allotment March” - a wedding tune on violin and cymbals performed by Ya.P. Petrova (violin), V.A. Borisov (dulcimer) from the village of Bondari, Sebezhsky district, Pskov region

In the Moscow region, “walkers” danced to festive songs. This dance was usually learned right at the wedding.

Walking song “Spring Straw” performed by a folk ensemble from the village of Subbotino, Pavlovo-Posad district, Moscow region

The first wedding night was also accompanied by rituals. A jug with viburnum was placed on the table, which symbolized the innocence of the young wife. In the Voronezh region, the marriage bed of the newlyweds was “warmed” by another couple - friends or relatives who were happily married.

A story about the wedding night of a group of performers from the village of Lipovka, Shumyachsky district, Smolensk region


In the church, before the wedding began, the priest uttered the following words: “If party members or non-believers are present here, let them leave or behave decently.” When the newlyweds were asked to approach the lectern, they had to step onto the carpet as quickly as possible, because it is believed that the one who does this first will be the head of the family.

The entire procession then headed to the lodge, where refreshments were served. Father drank the first mug. Then he began to start a song and transferred the initiative to the guests.

Interesting competitions

It is impossible to imagine that a cheerful village wedding, the jokes of which are known to everyone, takes place without fun. Here are some of the favorite folk games:

"Rope." The matchmaker brings a rope tied in one knot into the hall, the guests take it in their hands and surround the woman. It all starts with a round dance around her. At this time, the matchmaker says either a nice word, a saying, or a song to everyone who is holding on to the rope. Everyone should respond with a smile to her words, even if they are a little offensive. Those who are distracted from the game, looking around, the matchmaker hits them on the hands and brings them to the center of the circle - now the game is continued by the offender.

"Turnip". The game's theme is inspired by a Russian fairy tale. The participants grab each other by the waist and begin to pull. The point is to tear the first player away from his support. For interest, it is important that there are as many people as possible. The process is accompanied by caustic jokes, songs and ditties directed at the participant who holds the entire crowd.

"Cherry." This fun is intended for free guys and girls. They become pairs, stretching their arms forward and tightly connecting them into a “lock”. After this, the “cherry” - the main character - has a good run and jumps into his hands. Then it is passed from hand to hand until it reaches the girl who needs to be kissed. After the guy's stormy flight, the kiss turns out to be very beautiful and sensual. The main thing here is not to fly further, otherwise you will have to kiss the wrong beauty.

“Recognize the bride by her little finger.” The groom was blindfolded with thick fabric, and all the women present at the celebration sat in a circle and stuck out their little fingers. There was complete silence in the hall. The groom had to find his betrothed's little finger by touch. If he succeeded, the fun continued; if not, similar competitions continued until the groom found his bride.

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