Sale of necessary things at fun prices! Auction competition for a wedding without poetry

At a wedding you can not only dance, drink and eat, but it is also quite possible to earn money. Only not for guests, but for young people. The participants of the feast will only spend their hard-earned money. And there is nothing wrong with that - a young family needs financial support. And so that coins flow into your pocket amid the laughter of those present, a competition-auction for a wedding will help us.

The essence

The toastmaster puts up lots for sale, guests place bids, and the winner takes the item. The money raised from the sale is ceremonially handed over to the young people. Everything seems simple, but there is a catch.

Auction participants do not know what exactly is being sold. They hear the announcements, but they cannot see the item for sale with their own eyes - the toastmaster hides it for the time being.

At the same time, everything should be accompanied by jokes and cheerful calls to participate in the competition.

“Dear guests, do not refuse your courtesy, be so kind, on a gratuitous basis, to make a small contribution and save the family’s budget! We are selling a prize, its side is green, it falls down.” We are talking about a cactus here. Why is he falling down? Because it's heavy! "Attention attention! A charity auction is being announced for the benefit of newlyweds! We ask everyone who wants to take part in it to come to the toastmaster and take more money with them!”

There are a lot of options, you just need to ask the toastmaster to choose among them the funniest and most suitable for the celebration contingent.

Interesting! Read about how to hold a wedding without a toastmaster. And here is the link for 20 cool competitions for weddings.



More good holidays!

“Wedding Cake” The sweetest moment at any wedding celebration is the appearance of dessert! It could be a wedding cake, or it could be scooped ice cream, or both - “Wedding Ice Cream Cake”!

Prank the guests? - the appearance of a fake cake, which at a certain moment is dropped by the waiter, causing the guests first unexpected fear, and then delight and laughter - “Fake cake” - durable, reusable, as close as possible to the real thing - the cake can be replaced with a wedding pizza or a huge ripe watermelon, studded with burning fireworks

Raffle for the first piece of cake? Of course, we will give it to the parents, or maybe to the oldest guest - the grandmother, or the youngest - the nephew, or the newlyweds are feeding each other, and the guests, instead of “Bitter”, are already shouting “Sweet”. Or maybe instead of a piece of cake there will be some valuable gift from the newlyweds, for example a plate with their photo, wedding date and initials? Or, instead of a piece, there will even be “HOGGY BRINE” - a jar of pickles with a photo of the newlyweds...

Usually the first piece of a wedding cake is sold for the amount offered by the guests, but there are options for getting it without money or...:

- whoever gets through to the newlyweds first gets it!

- cake for a compliment to the newlyweds - choose any letter from the alphabet, for example "C" and let's go - bold, stylish, sweet, happy, sexy, embarrassed, etc. - whoever offers the last word wins!

- you can also use the letter, but the question is - what awaits the newlyweds in the coming year? For example, the letter “R” - heavenly life, the birth of a child, decisive sex, a luxurious apartment, joyful events, romance, a rainbow of feelings...

— we give the cake for the most original promise that the newlyweds will like (this year I promise to invite the newlyweds to barbecue every Saturday, I will jump for the sake of the bride and groom with a parachute, tomorrow I will shave my head bald, grow a mustache, congratulate you on the New Year in the form of Santa Claus, etc. )

- which of the guests will give the maximum amount, but only in coins, change

- who will be the first to offer the smallest amount (a penny, if many people were able to find such a coin - who has the oldest)

— we sell a piece for example for a hundred rubles, but only hundreds and no other banknotes participate in the game! We fight until the last hundred... (maybe for a “pocket” - the last one to give up wins)

- there are 50 rubles on the tray, each guest can increase the bet - put money on the tray and take away the amount that was there earlier. The one who offers the highest bid wins. (the joke is that a savvy guest can earn money - there are 1000 rubles on the tray, the guest puts in 1050 and takes 1000 - he just earned 1000 rubles!)

- you can sell the whole cake, piece by piece)) for a song, for a dance, for a striptease, for a button, for a subway token...


After the auction, guests must be thanked. To do this, the groom should stand up, look around the audience and express heartfelt gratitude, but not for the money, but for the fact that they came and did the great honor of taking part in the competition. Valentine

A stand with a shelf under the lid is placed next to the table. This is where our goods will lie. The hammer and board are installed and the bidding begins. Moreover, each lot must be accompanied by a joke.

  • The first lot will allow you to easily drive on any roads and at any speeds, although only in your sleep.
  • Do you always want to know how much time is left until your next wedding? Then you'll love our next item.
  • Tired of walking around in “non-pedigreed” clothes? Pay attention to the new collection from Versace!

Interesting! Pay attention to other table entertainment for guests. Some of the most popular ones are intellectual ones.

There is nothing complicated here, you can even improvise. The main thing is not to squeeze money out of guests. A wedding is a fun event, not a charity event. You can also organize an auction competition for a wedding in verse.

Greed is greed, and you shouldn’t raise price tags. It is customary to set the starting price for all goods from 1 to 10 rubles. Believe me, the guests themselves will drive up the price by getting excited. In extreme cases, no one owes you anything.

The tradition of cutting the wedding cake

Serving a cake for a wedding and cutting it together began to be practiced in Ancient Rome: this action meant the unity of two families. Later in other countries it was interpreted as a symbol of the bride’s thriftiness, who treated all the groom’s relatives. Nowadays this is an equally significant ritual: a very sweet, solemn one, when all the guests, holding their breath, watch as the newlyweds cut the wedding cake.

The wedding cake usually appears at the end of the celebration, becoming its culmination. To serve it, a table on wheels is used, on which the cake itself is located, and on the shelves there are plates, napkins and a cutting knife. The waiters always roll out the table, but they can take it out, placing it on the table of the newlyweds or in another specially designated place.

For spectacular presentation, culinary sparklers are often used. But do not confuse them with New Year's ones; they have a significant difference, which lies in the safety of guests and the treat itself. When using them, you need to dim the lights, you can light candles. The music can be solemn or, conversely, romantic. Don’t forget to check the readiness of the photographer and videographer so that they are not distracted at the most crucial moment.

How to transfer money to young people

All proceeds are put into a three-liter jar. But you can’t just give them to the bride and groom. The fact is that almost all the guests will be burning with curiosity - they will be interested in knowing how much money has been accumulated. Don't hide this information from them, keep people in a good mood.

The toastmaster spectacularly pours money onto the table and publicly counts it. After this, the presenter loudly announces the amount, saying that the generosity of the guests knows no bounds, and everyone will be grateful to them for the rest of their lives. Next, the money is put back into the jar, which is given to the newlyweds.

How to do it right

Before cutting the treat, you need to take a photo with it: you can call all the guests and take a group photo, which can become the most beloved in the wedding album, because all friends and relatives will be relaxed enough to take relaxed poses.

  • If the young people want to take the upper tier home, then it remains untouched;
  • Before cutting, all plastic figures and lights are removed;
  • The wedding cake cutting tradition involves the newlyweds holding a silver knife together, with the groom placing his hand on top and the bride directing the process.
  • The newly-made spouses cut off two pieces, which they put on plates: they treat each other with them, as in the case of a loaf;
  • The next four pieces are cut especially for the parents and given to them by the young themselves;
  • To prevent the biscuit from sticking to the knife, it is periodically moistened in warm water, the container with which should be nearby;
  • There is no clear law on how to properly cut a cake at a wedding: from top to bottom or vice versa, the newlyweds do what is most convenient for them;
  • The size of the pieces should be such that each guest gets at least one.

Multi-colored wedding cupcakes can be a great modern alternative. You can not only surprise your guests with an original idea, but also take a large number of unique wedding photos.

What should a wedding cake look like?

Considering that cutting a wedding cake is a very important ceremony that will be remembered for a lifetime and captured on video, the culinary creation itself should be a match for it. Therefore, when ordering, you must immediately refuse shortbread and waffle cakes, as well as meringue, since in this case cutting off a piece will turn into the ruin of a culinary work. It is better to choose a soft biscuit.

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The second important condition for everything to turn out beautifully is to avoid giant angels, doves or other birds and animals, since when they are “dismembered” the guest may end up with an ear, eye or wing, which is not very aesthetically pleasing. But small decorations in the form of roses or other flowers are very welcome, because such a piece can be sold at a higher price than usual.

Signs and traditions associated with a wedding cake

  1. Traditionally, the bride and groom should cut the treat together. It is believed that the family will be stronger.
  2. In this case, the bride should cut, and the groom helps hold the knife. He places the first piece on his young wife's plate. The bride treats the groom to the second piece. Then the cake is passed on to the guests, starting with the parents.
  3. Scattering sweet crumbs on the table is considered a good sign and predicts many children. If you drop a piece under the table, the newlyweds’ house will always be full of guests.
  4. Newlyweds cannot refuse cake. The union will be short-lived due to misunderstandings.
  5. If the groom cuts the treat, this may threaten childlessness.
  6. Unmarried girls can put some crumbs from a sweet treat under their pillow to see their betrothed in a dream.
  7. Fruit in a biscuit predicts the absence of problems with childbirth.
  8. If young people feed each other cake, this is a symbol of their mutual understanding.
  9. The first piece sold at auction is attributed by some with a special meaning. The more expensive it is, the richer the life of the young will be.

READ ALSO: Wedding cupcakes - setting up a celebration


The wedding auction competition sparks excitement among guests. They are not interested in the essence of the product, they want to have fun. Considering that the event is held with funny stories and jokes from the toastmaster, the mood of the entire audience will rise to the highest level, and will not subside for several days. Just don’t turn your own wedding into a money grab. People came to be happy for you, not to spend a large sum. So if there is an auction in the program, then it is better to cancel one of the additional planned cash competitions!

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Wedding portal of the Altai Republic

It is believed that a wedding cake is a symbol of great sweet family happiness. When cutting the cake, young people do not divide this happiness into parts, but quite the opposite. They, like good wizards, giving this little happiness to their relatives, friends, acquaintances, make not only themselves happy, but also them, thereby increasing their happiness and the happiness of their loved ones. After all, happiness cannot be enjoyed alone. Happiness must be shared.

The ancestor of the wedding cake was the bride's cake. It was a harbinger of a prosperous marriage, exclusively round in shape, it was decorated with dough patterns and branches of viburnum, to which mystical properties have been attributed since pagan times. The pie was broken and distributed to the guests. To prevent anything bad from being transmitted with a piece of pie, the guest gave a coin in return. Thus began the tradition of selling a wedding cake.

In Rus', before the wedding, loaves were baked, and in compliance with a special ritual - the “loaf girls” sang songs and the married woman kneaded the dough to them. The loaf itself was baked by a man, and cut by a small child.

It should be noted that many things have changed these days, including the ritual of cutting the wedding cake. Today, when cutting, entire auctions are often held, where pieces of the sweet delicacy begin to be sold. But so that the toastmaster does not overdo it in this matter, it is advisable to discuss the entire sales process with him in advance, since you should not be too greedy and sell all the pieces, for fun it will be enough to organize the sale of several, because the main purpose of the wedding cake is to give at least a little happiness to the guests. You can also give out a cake for certain interesting tasks, for example, sing a song about the bride, groom, about a wedding, dance a certain dance, etc.

When a couple decides whether to sell or not sell a wedding cake, the following points should be taken into account.

  • There are guests who want to waste money or do something nice for a young couple and their parents, and as a sign of respect they buy a cake for themselves and the guests sitting next to them... and why not! Well done!
  • If among the guests there are people of different nationalities, then it may turn out that many guests are not ready for auctions, since Altaians and Caucasians do not have the tradition of selling pancakes, forks, and cake.

As our survey showed, there are as many supporters of selling wedding cakes as there are opponents. Apparently, the fun of wedding auctions has already taken root in our region, so there’s no point in abandoning it completely. You can please everyone if you follow these guidelines:

  • In the wedding program, play up this moment, “charm” each “sold” piece - “for the sweet life”, “for the soon-to-be first-born”, etc.
  • We treat parents and close relatives free of charge.
  • Selling only a few pieces for large sums.
  • The starting price should be discussed with the host in advance, because it is the young people who know the financial capabilities of their guests.
  • We offer an alternative: for a monetary fee or “for talents”. Sing, dance, say a toast - and get a cake, and if you don’t want to, buy it. At the same time, bidding sometimes starts at 10 rubles!!! For this money, everyone can afford it.

The main thing is not to bring this to the point of “rip-off”, then you yourself will be ashamed.

Have a sweet wedding cake and family life!

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“Love is” style cake: 10 popular quotes

Each of us at least once in our lives asked the question what love is, and only “Love is” chewing gum inserts could give an accurate answer. The famous candy wrappers have become a recognizable symbol of love, which has recently been increasingly used in wedding themes.

Photo of the “Love from...” cake at a wedding

Wedding cake “love is...” is a popular format for decorating a dessert for a celebration. Some bake it in the shape of a large bubble gum, while others simply decorate a regular cake in the spirit of the wrapper of this once popular product. Most often, mastic, figurines of a loving couple and, of course, famous quotes from candy wrappers “Love is...” :

  • what holds the world together;
  • never look back to the past;
  • the road to something big;
  • the spark between you the moment you meet;
  • what helps you every day;
  • just being together;
  • rush home, knowing that your loved one is there;
  • when you want your child to be like him;
  • when together the sea is knee-deep;
  • bow before her.

This wedding cake design is very romantic and many couples prefer this option. As a gift, you can also present a dessert in the “Love from..” style.

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