Interesting questions about newlyweds for guests: list, features and options

Wedding day is the most exciting and important day in everyone’s life. The girls dream of trying on a snow-white veil and being the most beautiful bride, the groom is immensely happy with everything that is happening, he is starting a new part of his life. But the guests want to have fun from the heart, dance until they drop and take part in fun competitions. Give them this opportunity! Outdoor games must be alternated with quizzes. A great option is funny questions about the newlyweds for guests. For the funniest answers, you can award small prizes in the form of stationery, key rings, and other nice little things.


You need to prepare for the wedding event carefully and in advance. The host is a prerequisite for the celebration. After all, without competitions, games, skits, the holiday will turn into a banal feast. Guests will be able to show their knowledge and ingenuity during the quiz. Questions about the newlyweds for guests should be simple, with humor, but not crossing the boundaries of decency. You can start with the simplest ones:

  • How many years have the newlyweds known each other?
  • What color are the eyes of the head of the family?
  • On which side does the young wife sleep?
  • How many heirs does a couple dream of giving to the world?
  • What will the parents name their first child?
  • Does the groom sing in the bath?

Only your closest and dearest people can answer these questions. Be sure to give them gifts for their attentiveness and quick response. Such a small list of questions about the newlyweds for guests will defuse the situation and give time to take a break from active competitions.

How to mark - script

There are many options for celebrating 18 years of marriage. You can have a family dinner in your home, or you can arrange a real celebration by inviting your closest and dearest people to it.

The second option, of course, requires both financial and time expenses, but the wedding anniversary is worth it. Children, who by this time have already grown up, will benefit from a demonstration of family values; by their example, parents show them how important family is.

It is better to hand over invitations to everyone personally, this will be the best option. If the number of guests does not fit in the apartment or house, choose a cozy cafe or restaurant for the celebration. It is advisable to decorate the room with balloons or turquoise paper pompoms. Vases with flowers should be placed on the tables; if possible, it is better to cover the tables with turquoise tablecloths.

Don't forget about the birthday cake, which should also include a symbolic turquoise decor.

Pay special attention to your outfits; on this day you should be beautiful. The spouse can wear a stylish suit with a turquoise tie

The wife's dress can be in the same unusual sea green color.

If you don’t want to waste time organizing a competition program, invite a toastmaster. An experienced host will be able to create a festive atmosphere and will not let any guest get bored. And if you are a creative person, then get down to business and draw up a script for a turquoise wedding. The host can be one of your friends or relatives, it’s good if the person has a good sense of humor and a loud voice.

Pay attention to the musical accompaniment of the holiday; there should be a lot of dancing on this day. It’s better to choose catchy music so that everyone wants to dance

Guests are sure to shout out: “Bitter!”

Possible competitions:

"Marriage is..."

Each guest is given a piece of paper and a pen. The challenge is for them to write down what marriage is in three words. Then these leaves are given to the heroes of the day, they read these statements out loud and recognize the author of the lines, who are given a small souvenir. The winner can be given a bottle of champagne.

"Dress your partner"

To participate in the competition you need 3-4 married couples, including the heroes of the holiday. Women are given a pair of socks, and men are given gloves. After this, all competitors are blindfolded.

Moms and dads

Well, who knows their children better than their parents? Give newlywed moms and dads a few moments of nostalgia. Let them remember how they raised their kids, what the little ones loved in childhood, how they developed and matured. Uncles, aunts and godparents can take part in this survey:

  1. What was the groom's birth weight?
  2. At what age did the bride cross the threshold of kindergarten?
  3. What color were the young people's briefcases when they went to first grade?
  4. How many “A” grades do newlyweds have together in their school certificates?
  5. Where did the first meeting of these loving hearts take place?
  6. How many months (or years) have the young people been dating?
  7. Who was the drunkest at the matchmaking party?
  8. What metal does the young wife prefer for jewelry?
  9. What is the hobby of each newlywed?
  10. Where do the happy heroes of the occasion fly on their honeymoon?

Such questions about the newlyweds will seem difficult for guests, but parents will be happy to answer them. To make this quiz easier, you can give participants multiple answers.

Cool questions for the groom about the bride

If at a wedding there is a competition with the theft of a bride, then to organize the ransom, you will need to know what questions you can ask the groom. You can put them just so that the wedding is fun:

  1. What city does your wife dream of visiting?
  2. What does the bride prioritize: children or a professional career?
  3. What did the young wife dream of when she was little?
  4. What size shoes will you buy for your wife?
  5. How tall is young?
  6. How long does the chosen one stand in front of the mirror?
  7. How many friends does the bride have?
  8. Why does your spouse love you?
  9. What flower bouquet would she prefer?
  10. What is the young man's hobby?

The presenter can prepare such humorous questions about the bride with answers in advance so as not to get into an unpleasant situation during the competition.

Questions to the groom about the bride's appearance

To prevent the ransom from becoming boring and banal, you can replace questions for the groom with mini tasks, for example:

  1. Instead of asking the groom about the color of the bride's eyes, offer to choose an option from the proposed photos or draw them yourself.
  2. The groom can choose an insole that matches the size of the girl's feet.
  3. Ask to guess the bride's lip print among many others.
  4. Place several rings of different sizes in front of the groom and ask which ring the bride can wear on her ring finger.
  5. Provide the groom with three ribbons of different sizes. He must answer which one is equal to the width of his beloved’s waist.
  6. Ask to guess the bride's handprint.

There can be many options for such competitions for redemption. Don't be afraid to fantasize.

Questions for the groom about plans for the future

Having decided to connect his life with the woman he loves, a man must know everything about her, including her dreams and plans. To check this, you can ask the following questions to the groom at the bride price:

  1. Where does your beloved dream to visit?
  2. How many children does your future wife dream of? Does she want a daughter or a son?
  3. Where do you plan to build your family nest?
  4. What is the bride's priority: career or children?
  5. What will you call the bride's parents after the wedding?
  6. What did the bride dream of as a child?
  7. How does your beloved imagine her future family life?
  8. Who will be the head of your family?

Questions about the bride's preferences

Ransom questions about the bride’s preferences can also be a good option:

  1. What flower bouquet will the bride like best?
  2. What will your beloved choose: a romantic dinner in a restaurant or a barbecue in nature?
  3. What qualities does the bride value in people, and what cannot she tolerate?
  4. What kind of music does your girlfriend prefer?
  5. How does a bride most often like to spend her weekend?
  6. Why does the bride love you?
  7. How does your beloved like to celebrate holidays: with her family or at a noisy party?
  8. What perfume does your future wife prefer?
  9. Does the bride have a hobby? Which?

Original questions for bride price

If you decide to conduct a non-standard bride ransom, then the questions should be original. An example of funny and cool questions for the groom to ask for ransom:

  1. Come up with one affectionate word for each letter of the bride's name.
  2. Name 10 derivatives from the name of your beloved (Tanya, Tanyusha, Tanechka, etc.).
  3. How can you cheer up your other half if she suddenly becomes sad: give flowers, take her for a walk, feed her something sweet, or another option?
  4. Tell me why you decided to marry our bride?
  5. What does the bride like more: cleaning the apartment or sunbathing on the beach?
  6. What will you drink with your father-in-law: coffee or vodka?
  7. What will you give your wife: flowers or potatoes?
  8. What will you need to bring your beloved to bed: tea, coffee or dumplings?

Funny questions for bride price are perhaps the most successful option. Since this is, first of all, a comic ritual that should take place easily and naturally. You can use comic children's riddles or simple logical questions as questions. The main thing is not to overdo it and not torment the groom and guests for too long. In general, the ransom should take no more than half an hour, and each type of task should take 5-10 minutes.

Standard but original

Prepare in advance a list of unusual questions for the groom to ask for a bride price, to which you can give ambiguous answers. In this format, even standard questions will sound new to the groom. We will try to inspire you with the examples below:

  • Your beloved's favorite song during the start of your relationship.
  • A favorite dish of father-in-law and mother-in-law.
  • How many seconds was your bride late for your first date?
  • On what day of the week did you submit your application to the registry office?
  • How many days have you known each other and how long have you been in a relationship?
  • State the name and patronymic of your beloved mother-in-law.
  • What was the bride's favorite subject in school?
  • What is your future wife's first word?
  • What dish would your lover never want to eat?
  • What perfume does the bride use in the summer, and which in the winter?

Questions with 10 answers

What questions to ask for bride price? You can prepare ones for which you can easily give 10 answers. It seems that the time has come for the groom to rack his brains, and for us to learn about the best qualities of the bride and the family values ​​of the future spouses. Let's look at some interesting examples below:

  • Name 10 compliments to the bride that begin with the first letter of her name. And now another 10 for the second.
  • Think and say 10 diminutive derivatives of your beloved’s name (for example, Marina, Marisha, Marinochka, etc.).
  • Voice 10 reasons why you decided to get married. Now name 10 more, why did you decide to marry your beloved?
  • Name 10 habits of a bride.
  • Come up with 10 home loopholes where you can hide your stash away from your wife.
  • List 10 rights and 10 responsibilities of spouses in family life.
  • Name 10 names that your chosen one will definitely not want to name her unborn child.
  • Name 10 affectionate and caring nicknames that your beloved calls you.
  • Without what 10 human qualities can a strong marriage exist?
  • Say 10 compliments to your future mother-in-law.

Questions about dating

Questions related to how a couple gets to know each other and the development of their love story should definitely be included in competitions. Firstly, the questions will be of interest to the bride’s relatives present at the ceremony. Secondly, the ransom is filmed on a video camera, and the filming will become part of the family archive, reviewed many times by children and then grandchildren. The future spouse can be examined on the following questions:

  1. Indicate the date, month and year of your acquaintance?
  2. What is the day of the week when you met?
  3. Where exactly did this significant event take place?
  4. What was the bride wearing on the day she met?
  5. When was your first date?
  6. Where did you take your bride for the first date?
  7. How many minutes was your wife-to-be late for the first date?
  8. What flowers did you give her at that memorable moment?
  9. When and where was the second date?
  10. Name the season of the year in which your first dates took place?

Try not to delay the competition; if you see that the groom cannot give an answer to the question posed, then do not torture him, but offer to buy it.

You can add a touch of fun by asking questions that require ingenuity. Having answered the first question, the groom can easily answer the last question from the proposed list.

Questions about the hero of the occasion

Questions regarding the bride’s appearance and her preferences will add special enthusiasm and a joyful mood to the ransom ceremony. After all, everyone knows the jokes in which a man who has been married for several years cannot remember the color of his wife’s eyes. A good option would be to ask the following questions:

  1. What is the color of your beloved's eyes?
  2. Please indicate the size of the tapered ring finger?
  3. Favorite perfume of the chosen one?
  4. Favorite flowers?
  5. Favorite performer?
  6. Favorite performer?
  7. Favorite movie?
  8. Favorite cartoon?
  9. Favorite book?
  10. What is the bride's favorite hobby?

There is plenty of room to roam in this block of questions, but you shouldn't include too many questions in the competition. The optimal duration of one competition is 5-8 minutes, and the entire ritual is 30-40 minutes.

One of two to choose from

A good idea for tasks for the groom at the ransom would be to prepare questions with two possible answers. It is worth checking the correct options with the bride in advance and demanding a ransom from the groom for every mistake.

  • What does the father-in-law drink more readily – vodka or tea?
  • What does the bride prefer in the morning – coffee or a kiss in bed?
  • Where would your beloved prefer to relax - in the mountains or at the sea?
  • What is preferable for your loved one – family or career?
  • What kind of men does your lover like - smart or handsome?
  • What does your chosen one like more - giving gifts or receiving?
  • Who does the bride want more - a boy or a girl?
  • What would your loved one prefer to do on a day off - go hiking or lie at home on the couch all day?
  • What is more scary for a bride - heat or cold?
  • What does your lady love to eat most – meat or chocolate? (sweet or salty?).

For an incorrect but original answer, the groom may not have to pay a fine. Controversial situations are resolved by invited guests.

Funny questions for the groom

Testing the groom’s strength by asking questions about the bride at the ransom is very exciting, but let’s not turn this action into a banal “exam.” The portal advises adding a bit of humor and preparing a fun ransom for the bride. It will help create a relaxed atmosphere among the guests and reduce any possible feelings of anxiety for the groom.

Tricky and funny questions

Tricky questions are like spices that turn an ordinary dish into a culinary masterpiece. They add life to the ransom ceremony and then become one of the fun moments in the wedding video. The main rule for composing such questions is not to offend anyone. The groom can be asked the following questions:

  1. If the bride catches a goldfish, what will she ask for?
  2. On Saturday evening, will she watch TV with great pleasure, go to a disco, or go to the kitchen to prepare a dish according to a new recipe from a cookbook?
  3. On weekends, does the future spouse like to stay at home, go to the theater, or go out into nature?
  4. Where does she like to relax most: at sea, in the forest or in the mountains?
  5. Does your beloved accept gifts more willingly or give them herself?
  6. What is your loved one’s favorite cuisine: national, Italian, Japanese or other?
  7. What qualities of men irritate the chosen one?
  8. How does your beloved react to compliments from strangers of the opposite sex?
  9. How much time does the chosen one spend in front of the mirror a day?
  10. What three words can describe your future spouse?

The competition ends only after the groom has answered all the questions or purchased the correct answer. It’s better not to name the specific cost of the answers, but to say, for example, how much you don’t mind or how much your heart desires.

Tradition of ransom

The custom of ransoming the bride before the wedding has its roots in the distant past. At that time, by giving their daughter away in marriage, the family lost an additional working unit and demanded compensation for this. The ritual has survived to this day in a slightly modified form. So, if previously the ransom involved the donation of some material assets, such as money, livestock, expensive fabric and household items, today everything comes down to comic tests for the groom, a huge number of funny competitions and tricky questions.

The bridesmaids are usually involved in preparing the ransom. They know the newlywed very well and therefore try to ask the groom as many questions as possible. In this way, relatives can make sure how well the future spouse has managed to get to know his betrothed and whether they are placing her in good hands.

A little humor

To hear the ringing laughter of your guests, invite them to imagine a little and move forward fifty years. Let everyone imagine that the newlyweds lived together until their golden wedding. How was their life together? Who is the boss in this family? Pull back the curtain of time with a friendly company and add these interesting questions about the newlyweds for guests:

  • Which spouse keeps bank pension cards?
  • Who was the first to purchase false teeth?
  • What do the grandchildren affectionately call their grandmother, their current young wife?
  • How many cats live in their house?
  • Who is the best at changing their grandchildren's diapers?
  • Who is in line at the clinic at seven in the morning?
  • Who is better at measuring blood pressure?
  • Who drinks Corvalol from a beer mug?
  • Who heats up kefir at night?

Such funny questions, to which you need to come up with equally funny answers yourself, are sure to please the audience. You can play this quiz even more fun: prepare a box in advance with wires, light bulbs and unusual objects sticking out of it. Explain to guests that this is a time machine. She will take the person answering the question into the future, and he will be able to give the correct answer. Such questions about the newlyweds for guests will amuse everyone present.

A comic skit or number

It's not just KVN shows that have funny performances. A comic skit or humorous number can become part of a concert program or a holiday scenario. Before the number of the humorous genre, the presenter pronounces the appropriate summary.

Now in front of you, with funny words, the artists will tell some kind of true story. So that you don’t yawn, don’t get bored at all, and your cheerful laughter floats through the hall. Laughter lifts the mood, Ah, a joke cheers the heart, A performance is ready for you, Where humor and enthusiasm reign. Do you want to laugh and hold your bellies? Roll around laughing? And check out the jokes? We will show you the number. Forget about napping, He will be able to amuse you perfectly. Now. They say that laughter prolongs life, Yes, and each of us knows this. So let's get healthy, Let's unite with loud laughter. Presents you with a wonderful scene. For health - very useful For the sake of a joke and your amusement For a cheerful loud laugh Let's show an unusual number It would be indecent not to laugh. Goodbye yawning and boredom! It's time for some fun laughter! Our room will be decorated with smiling faces, It will be a funny tale now.

Funny eyeliners set the audience in a positive and necessary mood. They relax in advance in anticipation of a comic scene or humoresque.

Let's have fun from the heart

A fiery host of the celebration and funny competitions are an integral part of the wedding! You need to be able to get a crowd going so that people remember this day for a long time and have fun from the heart. The competition, which includes tricky questions about the newlyweds, will be a great success. You can start with the difficult part, and then smoothly move on to the humorous part. To take the quiz, you will need to write the words “groom” and “bride” on small pieces of paper. The number of these sheets should be the same and correspond to the number of questions. The host asks a question loudly, and the guest pulls out prepared bundles with the answer from the hat.

The evening before the wedding

A young couple arrived at the hotel the day before the wedding. At some point, when the bride was left alone, several messages arrived on her phone. When she picked it up to see who had texted her, it turned out that the messages came from an unknown number. However, this was not the most surprising thing, but the content of the SMS itself! These were screenshots from the phone screen of conversations between her future husband and his mistress, photographs of lovers (the woman in the photo was the complete opposite of the bride) and the inscription “I would never marry him.” Could anything be worse than this the day before your wedding? I can’t even imagine how she was able to wait for the moment so calmly! As they say: you wouldn’t wish this on your enemy!

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  1. What is the name of the university that the head of the family graduated from?
  2. Bride's foot size.
  3. Groom's favorite color.
  4. What is the name of the bride's cat?
  5. Does the groom have gold cufflinks?
  6. What kind of alcoholic drinks do newlyweds prefer?
  7. The bride's favorite fruit and vegetable.

Not everyone can answer such questions. Let the guests struggle with the answers and wait for hints from those closest to them.

Competition "What's missing here"?

Those who know the newlyweds better take part in this entertainment. 2 teams are selected and given a rather simple task: from the list of similar concepts or phrases, remove the one that, in their opinion, will be superfluous.

Examples of questions about newlyweds:

  1. Rolls, ice cream, crayfish. The correct answer is crayfish. The bride just doesn't eat them.
  2. Economist, manager, Minister of Trade. The correct answer is the Minister of Trade, because the bride works as an economist, and the groom works as a manager.
  3. Valery Anyutin, Georgy Erokhin, Andrey Ilyin. The correct answer is Valery Anyutin, because the groom's name is Valery, and the bride's name is Anna.
  4. September, June, February, November. You need to leave the month in which the young people met.
  5. Sea, mountains, sights. You should leave the answer that corresponds to the bride’s preferences.

Everyday affairs

There is a myth that family happiness is broken on the shores of everyday life. Wash floors, dishes, cook delicious dinners, wash and iron clothes - these responsibilities should be divided equally between spouses. Then their family idyll will not be threatened. This can be done right at the wedding celebration. Questions about newlyweds will help solve this problem. At the wedding, guests will be given a simple task - to divide household responsibilities between the newlyweds. One person should write down the answers on a piece of paper, which will be notarized!

  • Who will wash the dishes five times a week?
  • Which spouse will bake lush biscuits for the celebrations?
  • Who will wash the floors with her husband's family panties?
  • Who will grow orchids in the entrance?
  • Who will gossip with neighbors on the bench?
  • Who will starch the sheets?
  • Who will pickle tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter?
  • Changing light bulbs and moving furniture will...
  • Painting the ceiling and cleaning the toilet will...
  • The family silver will be cleaned...
  • Taking things to the dry cleaner will...
  • Walking the dog at five in the morning will be...
  • Will drag three watermelons from the market...
  • Standing in line is a lot...
  • The first-born child will be registered for kindergarten...
  • And he will also give birth...
  • Who will bring millions of dollars into the family budget?
  • Who will smoke hookah in the evenings?

When the guests answer all these humorous questions, and someone close to them writes down the answers on paper, the main thing will happen - the host will tear this sheet to shreds and say: “This friendly young family has no use for this list. They will do everything together, and they will be happy!”

Prose as a form of recognition

Prose is a fairly common option for speaking in your own words. It allows you to congratulate a person with all sincerity or confess your love. At a wedding, saying a few words of gratitude to your loved one in a prosaic form is one of the simplest options. Of course, a lot of template phrases can be found on the site, but you should remember that you will definitely need to add something personal.

For example, it could be a brief mention of an amazing moment in your life, such as meeting for the first time. The main thing is not to drag it out and not tell the whole story from start to finish, otherwise the guests will get bored. As they say, “brevity is the sister of talent.” The confession can be structured like a parable or a fairy tale.

Movement is life

If questions about the newlyweds are no longer interesting for guests, you can begin to have more active entertainment. Participants will really enjoy the group competition with a rope. Prepare a long split, divide the guests into two teams and turn on fun music. Each person must thread the rope through their sleeves and pass it to another participant. The team that completes the task faster is declared the winner.

Playing with water is only relevant in the warm season, because in winter walking even in slightly wet clothes will be unpleasant and dangerous to health. The presenter invites several couples onto the stage and invites them to turn into Aquarius. The man should hold a bottle of water between his knees, and the lady should hold a glass. Without using their hands, the participant must fill the glass, and the lady must pour it into a basin or bucket. The pair that gets the most water into the bucket is the leader! This is a very fun and funny game that is suitable for any age group.

Any holiday needs to be organized in advance and as brightly as possible. After all, the emotions and impressions received on this memorable evening remain in the memory for a long time! Have fun, frolic like children, and get great pleasure from life!

How to introduce competition participants

Fun and intellectual competitions provide excellent entertainment for both participants and spectators. Organizers of entertaining leisure activities delight schoolchildren with interesting competitive programs. Such events are carried out according to plan or in connection with upcoming holidays and seasons. “Miss Autumn” is held in the fall, “Come on guys!” in the winter, and “Miss Beauty” in the spring. Fun KVN games are organized between classes or other groups.

Before the start of the event, the host greets the competition participants, according to the theme of the evening.

Participants – KVN teams

The KVN competition program includes a greeting from all the actors of the event: the jury and competing teams. Before the evening begins, the host introduces the participants in poetic form.

They prepared diligently for many days to appear on stage before you. With fun, humor, smile and dreams, Come to the competition to win quickly! They will show who is capable of what. They will conquer us with their talents. After all, each of the participants is special, And they will be able to prove it! We wish the participants good luck, hope, vigor, fun and success, and we help them a lot with applause and ringing laughter!

For a beauty contest

Girls take part in beauty contests with great pleasure. They like to twirl on stage in beautiful outfits, move gracefully and take an active part in competitions. Such events help girls to reveal feminine qualities: charm, thriftiness, charm, gentleness. Beauty pageants develop the creative abilities of participants. Before going on stage, the girls are very nervous and worried, despite careful preparation for the tasks. The presenter needs to support the contestants and cause applause from the audience, which is so necessary for the participants.

Beautiful, unique, Graceful, loved by everyone, The participants are like princesses - How wonderful they look! They shine with dresses and charm, Being queens is their calling! They are undoubtedly reaching for victory, Although they are worried, they are smiling. May success accompany them, May a satisfied, happy laugh ring! And, we are waiting for them on stage, We wish each of them victory!

Greetings for "Miss Autumn"

The Miss Autumn competition is held annually among middle and high school girls. Such events have also gained great popularity among students of lyceums and other educational institutions.

Before the participants perform, the presenter makes a welcoming speech.

So summer has flown by, the leaves are spinning, Everything has changed so much over the past week. New weather has brought winds, This means - Autumn has come to us! The Golden Guest, of wondrous beauty, brought a crown with the rustle of leaves. I visited Autumn, but not alone, I brought beautiful girls with me. They will win the title “Miss Autumn”, they will talk about themselves, they will dance. Each of the participants - as if chosen, Marvelous, beautiful - a delight to the eye! It's hard to choose one...They're all so good! We wish them good luck from the bottom of our hearts!

Competition program for boys

Competitions and events are held not only for girls. Evenings are organized for boys where participants need to show ingenuity, intelligence, creativity or intellectual knowledge. Usually such events are associated with a holiday theme: “February 23rd”.

Boys do not take part in competitions as often and are not as relaxed and artistic as girls. Therefore, support and warm words of encouragement are extremely important to them. The presenter’s task is to get the audience to applaud, and to set the contestants in a positive mood.

Brave guys, what great fellows! Smart, skillful, nice young men. Today they will perform on stage at a good hour, They will show their intelligence, ingenuity and amuse us. We wish you victory, goodness and good spirits, Well, friends, success - no feather, no feather!

The host should support the participants of the celebration with words of greeting, present their best qualities and attract the attention of the audience. A well-chosen speech will help focus attention on the artists, defuse the situation and maintain a good mood throughout the event.

Summary of ditties in the script

Chatushka is a funny, mischievous song that is suitable for any celebration. The ditties are full of gentle criticism, humor, funny moments and a cheerful motive. Chastushki are performed for any occasion. They can be applied to the New Year, Anniversary or Birthday, or to another holiday. A number of ditties perfectly relieves the situation and relieves boredom. They lift the mood, charge the audience with optimism and fun. Before performing the ditty, the host introduces the artists with an introductory poem.

There is no song more fun for the visual ear, Which will cheer you up and make you laugh, Like a catchy ditty, It will sound for you today! A cheerful ditty rings like a rattle, There are jokes and enthusiasm in it, A set of funny words! And now stop sitting in despondency. Let's sing funny songs. The old lady plays and dances with an accordion. When ditties are sung loudly. Our laughing people will perform before you, They will dance merrily and sing ditties! Something has become a bit boring At our feast To make it feel “hot” Let’s binge on ditties. Now a playful song will sound for you, Lots of jokes, funny phrases in a small ditty. We allow you to sing along and laugh loudly, it is forbidden to get bored and yawn on the sidelines.

The ditties refer to a fun number. A funny lead-in to the ditty will set the audience up to listen to a funny song. Until the first rollicking melodies of the ditty, the audience present at the concert will feel a surge of cheerfulness and pleasant anticipation.

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